英国画家罗宾·埃利 (Robin Eley),超写实油画

1981年出生于阿根廷科尔多瓦。亚历杭德罗就读于科尔多瓦国立大学,在那里他获得了美术学位,同时与克劳迪奥·博吉诺大师一起在基于意大利大师传统的古典绘画方法中形成了自己. 他在纽约中央学院的格雷登·帕里什 (Graydon Parrish) 的指导下进一步接受了色彩教育。

他的作品目前正在美国展出,由Principle Gallery (VA) 代理。


他最近在 ARC 沙龙中获得了第一名,他的作品被重要的博物馆收藏,如西班牙巴塞罗那的 MEAM 和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的国家美术博物馆 (MNBA)。






Born in Córdoba, Argentina in 1981. Alejandro attended The National University of Cordoba, where he obtained a degree in Fine Arts, at the same time forming himself with master Claudio Bogino in the classical method of painting based on the tradition of the great Italian masters. He furthered his education on color under Graydon Parrish, at the Grand Central Academy of New York.

His works are presently being exhibited in the United States, represented by Principle Gallery (VA).

Passionate about teaching the techniques he uses, that are based on an academic focus, he invests much time and dedication to his drawing and painting classes. Alejandro offers workshops around the world as well as online classes for an international audience.

He was recently awarded First Place at the ARC Salon and his works have been included at important museums such as the MEAM from Barcelona, Spain, and the National Museum of Fine Art (MNBA) from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

