跟着电影《留级之王》学英语:“Let me get the other side”是什么意思?
跟着电影《人之怒》学英语:“knock yourself out”是什么意思?
你知道“Let me get the other side”是什么意思吗?
接下来我们先来看看沃尔特·拜克执导、由瑞安·雷诺兹、塔拉·雷德、提姆·麦锡森等主演的校园喜剧类型电影《留级之王》(Van Wilder)中的片段:
- Why is my story such a big deal to you?
- Because I didn't want the students to know I threw the party.
- ...
- I'm sorry I didn't know you had a benevolent agenda.
- There's two sides to every story, Gwen.
- I have a chance to make front page of the graudation issue which is a huge deal to me. Let me get the other side.
这里的“Let me get the other side”在上面的视频中被翻译成“让我补偿一下吧”。
估计很多人一下子不明白怎么会是这个意思,其实这得从前面的对话中的“There's two sides to every story”讲起。因为男主Van对女主Gwen说
正因为如此,女主才对男主说“Let me get the other side”,意思是要男主给她一个机会,去了解男主所作所为的另一面是什么样的,女主也是想借此机会来弥补自己的过失。
所以,在视频中,“Let me get the other side”被意译成“让我补偿一下吧”,这个译法实在高明!

the other side的本义是“另一边;对面”,常后接of,再加地点,如:
On the other side of the rope was another bucket .
That man on the other side of the road is a dead ringer for Ronald reagan.
the other side也常用作引申义,表示“(事物的)另一面”,就如上面视频中的用法,我们再来看个例子:
They couldn't see the other side of it.

Your cash camel has arrived!
这里的cash camel意思是“金牛”,即“摇钱树”。大家可以参考我之前分享的有关“摇钱树”的各种英语表达:

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