
《When You Reach Me|穿越时空找到我》是2010年纽伯瑞金奖书,严谨的构思、巧妙的情节、恰到好处的悬疑……更将几个世纪以来科学家和哲学家们一直在思考和探讨的问题,以一种邀约之姿呈现在每个读者面前:时间和空间的本质、过去和现在的关系、时间旅行的可能性、是什么造就了作为人类和作为个体的我们……正如爱因斯坦所言,人类最美好的体验,就是面对未知神秘之时的好奇与惊叹,因为那才是真正艺术与科学的摇篮。

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When You Reach Me

In 1979, as her mother prepares to be a contestant on the THE $20,000 PYRAMID, a twelve-year-old New York City girl tries to make sense of a series of mysterious notes received from an anonymous source that seems to defy the laws of time and space.

