carry, bear, bring, convey, take, transport的区别
这些动词都很相似,指物体或人空间上的移动。Carry和Bear都暗指承载负重,但是两个单词中只有carry暗含从一个地方到另一地的移动。一个猴子可以bear一件大的重物,但只能静止站着,但是carrying这件重物就表示将它移动到某个地方: The bridge was designed to bear the heaviest load any train could carry. 当然,Bear也可以指移动,但是暗含举止和行为方式的高贵:the royal carriage bearing the queen and her consort. 另一方面,Carry并不一定强调被移动物体的沉重性:carrying only a samll handbag and a pair of gloves. Bear 还有carry 没有的含义,那就是遭受折磨:He bore with him all his life the memory of her painful death.
Transport 更加正式,且更专业,正常情况仅表示将货物或人当做货进行运输:helicopters to transport troops to the battlefield. Transport 比carry 更加强调向着目标或目的地移动。与bear所暗含的行为方式相比较,transport 强调的仅仅是作为一个物流问题的实际装运事件。
Bring和take是这些词中间最不正式的词;bring 指向着讲话人运动,而take指向着远离讲话人运动。两者在运用是都是命令的语气:take away this ghastly veal vutlet and bring me my dessert. 在实际使用中,to和from的区别并不明显,两者都可以表示相伴随的或有目标的运动,而不仅仅是一件事物carry了另一件事物。Take me to the nearest hospital; The ski lift will bring you within a few feet of the wountaintop.
Convey在莎士比亚的年代是bring和take 的简单同义词。从这个意义上说,它现在的使用极为正式,主要用于指通过中间媒介传递一个讯息。Convey my best wishes to the rest of your family; The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the prime minister. Convey 不一定指实际的运动。If my letter conveyed the impression that i was indifferent, please forgive me; His tone conveyed his real feelings more accurately than his words.