Ted青少年演讲课 13-三个塑料瓶的故事




Part 1 演 讲 视 频

Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲

Where do the three bottles end up?



Part 2  段  落  学  习

The heroes of our story were conceived in this oil refinery. The plastic in their bodies was formed by chemically bonding oil and gas molecules together to make monomers. In turn, these monomers were bonded into long polymer chains to make plastic in the form of millions of pellets. Those were melted at manufacturing plants and reformed in molds to create the resilient material that makes up the triplets' bodies. Machines filled the bottles with sweet bubbily liquid and they were then wrapped, shipped, bought, opened, consumed and unceremoniously discarded. And now here they lie, poised at the edge of the unknown.

我们故事的主角在炼油厂诞生。形成它们的塑料是由石油与燃气分子通过化学反应生成的单体所构成的。这些单体又依次连接成长长的聚合物链,长链卷曲缠绕成数百万的颗粒,形成塑料。 这些塑料在工厂里被加热融化,通过模具塑型,制造成弹性材料,用于生产这些塑料瓶。机器把甜汽水灌入瓶中,然后瓶子被包装成箱、运送发货、分销卖出、再由消费者开瓶使用,最后被丢进垃圾桶。 这就是它们现在的归宿,在未知世界的边缘蓄势待发。

Part 3 重 点 解 析

Key Points 演讲重点

The heroes of our story were conceived in this oil refinery.


  • hero    /ˈhɪə.rəʊ/

    (n.) 男主角,男主人公

    the hero of her latest novel她最新小说里的男主人公

  • conceive /kənˈsiːv/


    The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director. 这次展览是由博物馆馆长构思设计的。

  • refinery /rɪˈfaɪ.nər.i/

    (n.) 精制厂;提炼厂;精炼厂

    There were two huge oil refineries on the coast.海岸边曾有两个大型炼油厂。

Key Points 演讲重点

The plastic in their bodies was formed by chemically bonding oil and gas molecules together to make monomers. In turn, these monomers were bonded into long polymer chains to make plastic in the form of millions of pellets.


  • bond /bɒnd/

    (v.) (尤指用胶水)(使)黏合;结合

    This new adhesive can bond metal to glass.这种新的黏合剂可将金属和玻璃粘在一起。

  • molecule /ˈmɒl.ɪ.kjuːl/

    (n.) 分子

  • monomer  /ˈmɒn.ə.mər/

    (n.) 单体

    前缀mono,表示“单个,一个” ,


    monogamy 一夫一妻制(mono+gamy婚姻)



  • polymer /ˈpɒl.ɪ.mər/

    (n.) 聚合物,聚合体

    Many polymers, such as nylon, are artificial.许多聚合物是人造的,比如说尼龙。




  • pellet /ˈpel.ət/

    (n.) 小硬球;小丸;颗粒状物

    food pellets食物颗粒

Key Points 演讲重点

Those were melted at manufacturing plants and reformed in molds to create the resilient material that makes up the triplets' bodies.


  • melt /melt/

    (v.) (使)融化;(使)熔化;(使)溶解

    The snow usually melts by mid March.通常雪到3月中旬就都融化了。

  • manufacturing  /ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃə.rɪŋ/

    (n.) 制造业(大批量生产商品的行业)

    car manufacturing汽车制造

  • plant: 植物,此为a factory in which a particular product is made or power is produced工厂

    manufacturing plants 制造工厂

  • reform  /rɪˈfɔːm/

    (v.) (尤指通过改变人的行为或事物的构造而)改革,改进,改造


    词根form表示形状 shape

  • mold /məʊld/

    (n.) 英式拼写mould, 模子,模具;铸模

  • resilient /rɪˈzɪl.jənt/

    (adj.) 有弹性的;能复原的;有复原力的;适应性强的

    This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.这种橡胶球很有弹性,可以立即恢复原来的形状。

  • triplets /ˈtrɪp.ləts/

    (n.) 三胞胎

    I was amazed when my doctor told me I was going to have triplets.


Part 4 句 子 演 练

Sentence Practice 句子演练


  1. 如果她继续这样挥霍,最后会落个不名一文的。She'll end up penniless if she continues to spend like that.

  2. 她不幸的童年导致了她后来生活中的诸多问题。Her unhappy childhood was the origin of her problems later in life.





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