雅思口语 Part3主题:Building

1 start cracking 开始有裂缝
The first reason why some old buildings get demolished is that they might not be safe to live in anymore, for example if the walls start cracking. 我觉得老房子要被拆除的第一个原因是不够安全,尤其是对于居住角度来说。比方说墙上出现裂缝什么的。
2 get knocked down 拆除
Another reason why a lot of old buildings get knocked down is because the government's decided that it would be better to put up a new building in its place, which would be especially the case if it's occupying a prime piece of real estate in the city centre, for example. 另一个房子要被拆除的原因是政府觉得在这个位置建个新房子更合适。尤其是这个位置占据了市中心区域的时候。
3 give you a glimpse into the history of a place 让你窥见一个地方的历史
So when you visit them, they kind of give you a glimpse into the history of a place as well as the local lifestyle, which you don't really get from looking at a new building. 当你参观的时候,你能窥见一个地方的历史和当地生活。这些是新房子体现不出来的。
4 be embedded in historical buildings 嵌入在历史建筑里
There's a lot of culture which is embedded in historical buildings, and if they weren't preserved, then a lot of culture would be lost, which would be a terrible shame. 历史建筑里有很多文化的嵌入。如果没有保存好,文化就会丢失。那也是很糟糕的一件事了。
5 a visual reminder of our past 过去的视觉提醒
I'd say old buildings really play an important role in preserving history, because if you think about it, old buildings are a visual reminder of our past. 我想说老房子真的在保存历史这一块扮演了重要角色。因为你想哈,老房子从视觉上就提示了咱们历史的存在。