
Who is this, please?
Who is calling, please?
This is David, Who is speaking, please?
May I have your name?
Is this Mr.Shen?
Hello, Anna speaking.
Hey, Anna, this is Jason.
This is Shen calling.
Good morning, this is Li Ming calling from Huaxun Technology.

Whom are you calling?
Who do you want to speak to?
Whom do you want to talk to?
Hello, is this the home of Mr. Liu?
I’d like to speak to Mr. Liu.
Hello, I wish to speak to Miss Zhou.
I would like to talk to Mr.Liu.
I would like to talk with someone in charge.
May/Can I speak to Joye, please?
May I speak to your boss?
Let me talk to Miss Wang.
Would you call Marry to the telephone?
May I have the pleasure of speaking to Mr.Smith?
Will you please spell his name for me?

Sorry, He won’t be available till 3 o’clock.
I’m sorry, Joey is unavailable.
Sorry, she is out.
Mr.Liu is not in now.
He hasn’t come in yet.
He has gone home.
He has left already.
He will be here in 30 minutes.
He is attending a conference now.
He is in conference.
He is speaking on another phone.
He is on the phone.
Sorry, I can’t catch what you are saying?
The voice is not distinct.
Please say that again.
Will you please repeat it?
Would you speak a little louder?
Will you speak up, please?
May I take your message?
Would you like to leave any message?
Would you please take a message?
May I have him call you back?
Would you ask him to call me back? This is some what urgent.
Would you like to speak to anyone else?
When is he expected to be back?
Can you tell me what time Mr.Chen will be back?
I’ll transfer this call to Mr.Chen.
Contact me by telephone.
I’ll be here, all night.
I’ll be in between six and eight.
I’ll call you up later.
All right, I’ll waiting for you.
Would you hold the line, please? I’ll find out his number for you.
Please don’t hang up and wait.
Please hold the line.
Just a moment, please.
Thank you for waiting.
Sorry, keep you waiting so long.
I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
The line is busy, please dial later
No answer.
This telephone line is interrupted。
I’m afraid you have the wrong number.
Please wring off.
Thanks for calling, goodbye.

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