英国内政部今天刚刚发布了最新的移民法修订通知《Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 1534》(移民条例修订通知:HC1534),内容主要公布了针对EU Settlement Scheme(欧盟移民定居计划)的进一步开放试行、其他目前的非欧盟类别签证申请的申请流程更新、以及针对由于医疗健康因素可以豁免英语考试和Life in the UK考试的申请人们,他们所需要提供的医学证据方面的更详细规定等等变化。
简单的说,从这份《通知》中我们可以很清楚地得知,EU Settlement Scheme在第二阶段将对哪些人群开放申请,以及开始实施的准确日期(注:在此之前莎粉们可以先复习一下,该“计划”在第一阶段已经对哪些欧盟申请人开放:《欧盟移民新身份开放申请,第一阶段只有“这些人”能优先!》)。
另外,动作不断的内政部今天还同时提出了新提案,内容表明要将现行的健康附加费(Immigration Health Surcharge)翻涨一倍;这表示对于除了学生签证和Tier 5打工度假签证(Youth Mobility Scheme)的申请人之外,其他类别的签证申请的健康附加费将涨至每年400镑。
而对于“折扣对象”,也就是学生签证和Tier 5打工度假签证的申请人来说,其费用也将从原本的每年150镑,涨至每年300镑。健康附加费的新调涨费率计划将从今年12月开始全面实施。
1. 签证申请流程上的变化
1) 如果申请人想要申请“申请费用减免”(Fee waiver),并且申请人的身份(签证)申请是属于线上申请的话(online application),那么该Fee waiver申请必须在申请人线上递交身份(签证)申请之前,就事先提早递交给移民局;签证官会预先考虑当事人的Fee waiver申请。
之后,在签证官给予Fee waiver申请的决定后,申请人在收到该决定的10个工作日内,必须接着完成递交自己的身份(签证)申请。
在准时于10个工作日内递交自己的身份(签证)申请的情况下,申请人当初递交Fee waiver申请的日期,将被视为其身份(签证)申请的“递交日期”(这一点非常重要,因为这关系到申请人是否在有效期内递交了新的身份(签证)申请,确保申请人的“连续合法居留”不会被中断)。
届时,Fee waiver申请若是被核准,申请人在递交身份(签证)申请的时候,便可以直接免去相关费用;而如果Fee waiver申请没被核准,申请人则跟一般申请时一样,必须先支付相关费用后才能递交身份(签证)申请。
2) 有鉴于申请人在申请身份时,递交的支持文件,有时候可能要完全提供原件会比较困难,因此移民局允许申请人可以提供“复印件”来做为申请的支持文件。
3) 《通知》更加明确了,如果境内申请人在他们的身份(签证)申请的审核期间,要求要回他们的护照或者移民局将护照归还给他们的话,那么他们如果到Common Travel Area(共同旅游区,例如爱尔兰就隶属于共同旅游区内的)以外的国家旅行的话,他们原本的法定延长签证效期(statutorily extended leave),就会失效。
2. 豁免英语考试和Life in the UK考试的医学证据方面
《通知》指出,在永居申请上,对于符合因健康因素而能豁免英语考试和Life in the UK考试的申请人,将需要提供其主治医师/医疗照护人士所开出的证明才可以(原本只需要由像是GP所开的证明就可以了)。
3. EU Settlement Scheme(欧盟移民定居计划)
1) 以下3所大学的学生或职员:
-Liverpool Hope University
-Liverpool John Moores University
-The University of Liverpool
2) 以下NHS医疗机构的职员:
-Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
-Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
-Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
-East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
-Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
-Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
-Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust
-Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
-Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
-Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
-Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
-The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
-The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
-Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
-Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
1) 有在英国内政部的Tier 4 sponsor licence列表名单上(也就是持有合格的Tier 4赞助人资质)的学校的学生或职员;
2) 受到以下(任一)地方政府照护或援助的孩子:
-Kent County Council
-Lincolnshire County Council
-London Borough of Haringey
-London Borough of Waltham Forest
-Sheffield City Council
3) 受到以下(任一)机构援助的当事人:
-Ashiana Sheffield, Knowle House, 4 Norfolk Park Road, Sheffield, S2 3QE
-Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Riverside Office Centre, Century House North, North Station Road, Colchester, CO1 1RE
-East European Resource Centre, Room 18-19, 238-246 KingStreet, London, W6 0RF
-Rights of Women, 52-54 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8RT
-St Vincent Support Centre, Curtis Building, 4 Barking Avenue, Leeds, LS9 9LF
-The Cardinal Hume Centre, 3-7 Arneway Street, HorseferryRoad, London, SW1P 2BG
-The Roma Support Group, Alan Shelley House, 318 Barking Road, London, E13 8HL
1) 以下机构的职员(或学生):
-任一英格兰地区的 NHS Foundation Trust
-任一英格兰地区的NHS Trust
-Care Quality Commission
-Health Education England
-Health Research Authority
-Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
-Human Tissue Authority
-Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
-National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
-NHS Blood and Transplant
-NHS Business Services Authority
-NHS Counter Fraud Authority
-NHS Digital (the Health and Social Care Information Centre)
-NHS England (the NHS Commissioning Board)
-NHS Improvement (Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority)
-NHS Resolution (the NHS Litigation Authority)
-Public Health England
2) 以下机构的职员(或学生):
-任一威尔士地区的 Local Health Board
-Health Education & Improvement Wales
-Public Health Wales
-The Welsh Ambulance Service
-Velindre NHS Trust
3) 以下机构的职员(或学生):
-A Health Board or Special Health Board constituted under section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act1978
-Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service (established under section 10 of that Act)
-Healthcare Improvement Scotland (established by section 10 of that Act)
-Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (known asthe Care Inspectorate) established under section 44 of the Public Services (Reform) (Scotland) Act 2010
-Scottish Social Services Council established under section 43 of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001
4) 以下机构的职员(或学生):
-任一北爱尔兰地区的Health and Social Care Trust
-Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service
-Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency
-Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
-Northern Ireland Practice and Education Committee
-Northern Ireland Social Care Council
-Patient and Client Council
-Regional Agency for Public Health and Social Well-being (the Public Health Agency)
-Regional Business Services Organisation
-Regional Health and Social Care Board
-Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
5) 和以下机构有关系的当事人(例如任职于或者注册于该机构等等):
-General Chiropractic Council
-General Dental Council
-General Medical Council
-General Optical Council
-General Osteopathic Council
-General Pharmaceutical Council
-Health and Care Professions Council
-Northern Ireland Social Care Council
-Nursing and Midwifery Council
-Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
-Scottish Social Services Council (under the Regulation ofCare (Scotland) Act 2001)
-Social Care Wales
6) 另外还有一些其他详细的特殊人群的开放情况,更具体可以查看这份文件(的第4页至第6页了解更多;或者莎粉们在申请上有疑问,也应该要及时向专业律师咨询。