英语教学 | 教好词汇的三个时机

Pre-teaching Lexis

Pre-teaching 目的不仅仅在于介绍新词汇,同时帮助学生回忆已知词汇也十分重要。任务前教授词汇有助于学生在阅读或听力任务进行中遇到较少的影响理解的内容。


Match words with the pictures.

Check the meaning of these words in the dictionary.

Match the words with the definitions.

Brainstorm words on the set topic.

Divides words into two groups.

Label the items in the picture with the right names.

Complete gap sentences with words from a list.

Discuss a topic (that will feature in the text.)

Say which words from a list you expect to be in a text about...

While-teaching Lexis



Deal with an item what the students specifically asks about it.

Brief to the point explanations or translations rather than detailed presentations.

Offer help quietly to the one or two students who ask rather than to the whole class.

Sometimes refuse help and tell students to do their best without knowing some items.

Post-teaching Lexis



Can you guess the meaning of this word from the meaning of the text around it?

Find some words in the text connected with the subject.

Find words and sort them into three separate groups under these headings.

Why does the writer use the word here?

What words come before or after the word? What other words collocate with this word?

Can you remember any other phrases you know with this word in them?

Can you find any multi word items?

What's the opposite of this word?

