Current Plant Biology|八个重要基因可以提高热带粳稻种子寿命

种子寿命是确保种子生存能力和确保农民种子活力的关键特征。 与气候变化有关的温度和湿度增加。 之前的 研究发现定量性状基因座(QTL)可改善温带植物的寿命 粳稻品种,东盟国家种植的热带粳稻种子的易受气候变化影响,其影响寿命长的QTL还未报道。

本研究,我们介绍QTL和候选基因 在F3双亲QTL测绘种群中确定 japonica x indica cross,使用1 k单核苷酸多态性(SNP)标记。 至 通过种子贮藏实验加速种子老化,其中种子含水量 通过在60%相对湿度(RH)和20°C下平衡种子来提高(MC) 将该种子在10.9%种子MC和45°C下储存56天。 在确定的QTL中 在2号染色体(2.9 Mb大小)上,有45个与种子潜在相关的注释基因 长寿机制,例如减少氧化应激和修复受损的DNA。 

我们强调了八个重要的基因,与先前的研究一致 显示出它们在种子发芽和长寿中的作用!

Seed longevity is a key trait to secure seed viability and vigor of farmer’s seed lots under the increased temperatures and humidity associated with climate change. While previous studies have found quantitative trait loci (QTL) for improved longevity in temperate japonica rice varieties, there are no available QTL identified that can potentially enhance seed longevity in tropical japonica rices, which are grown in ASEAN countries and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Here, we present QTL and candidate genes identified in an F3 bi-parental QTL mapping population developed from a tropical japonica x indica cross, using 1 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. To accelerate seed ageing through a seed storage experiment in which seed moisture content (MC) was elevated by equilibrating seeds at 60% relative humidity (RH) and 20°C, after which seeds were stored at 10.9% seed MC and 45°C for 56 days. Within a QTL identified on chromosome 2 (2.9 Mb size), there were 45 annotated genes potentially relevant to seed longevity mechanisms such as oxidative stress reduction and repair of damaged DNA. We highlighted eight genes as important, consistent with previous studies which clearly showed their roles in seed germination and longevity.




