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原名:15N-amino sugar stable isotope probing (15N-SIP) to trace the assimilation of fertiliser-N by soil bacterial and fungal communities
期刊:Soil Biology and Biochemistry
第一作者:Michaela K. Reay
通讯作者:Richard P. Evershed
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107599
Graphical abstract
虽然氨基糖是土壤有机氮(ON)的主要组成部分,但土壤细菌和真菌将硝酸盐(NO3-)和铵(NH4+)同化为氨基糖(As)是全球氮循环中被忽视的一个方面。更深入地了解氨基糖对氮肥添加的响应可能有助于提高农业系统内的氮素利用效率(NUE)。本研究的目标是扩展一种针对氨基酸(AAs)的敏感化合物特异性15N稳定同位素探针(SIP)方法,以研究无机N在一系列氨基糖(胞壁酸、氨基葡萄糖、氨基半乳糖、甘露糖胺)中的固定。用15N-铵态氮和15N-硝态氮按农业相关用量(分别为190和100 kg N ha-1 的15NH4+和15NO3-)进行室内培养,获得32天内草原土壤氮同化到氨基糖库中的定量测定结果。利用气相色谱-燃烧-同位素比值质谱(GC-C-IRMS)发现,氨基糖各单体的δ15N值反映了施入的铵态氮和硝态氮的路径差异。通过测定15N并入特异性氨基糖的百分率,证明了细菌和真菌群落的N同化的不同动态变化。施用底物改变了细菌群落的氮同化动态,而真菌的氮素同化动态没有受到影响。施加的N底物进入细菌氨基糖库的速率和通量反映了已知的氨基糖的生物合成途径,由于周转率的不同,真菌氨基葡萄糖似乎比细菌氨基葡萄糖在生物合成上离应用底物更远。这种利用敏感和特异性的特定化合物氨基糖的15N-SIP方法,建立在现有氨基酸方法的基础上,能够区分微生物群落内氮素同化作用的动态变化,并利用与农业相关的施肥水平评估微生物的氮素利用效率(NUE)。土壤氨基糖(AS, Aminosugars)作为微生物残体标记物,具有稳定性和异源性。土壤中的氨基葡萄糖(GlcN,glucosamine)主要来自真菌,而胞壁酸(MurN,muramic acid)仅来源于细菌,在之前的推文【文献解读|土壤中真菌和细菌无机氮固定速率的计算】中已有介绍),在培养的土壤细菌中氨基葡萄糖(GlcNB)与胞壁酸(MurN)的质量比为5:1。土壤中的氨基半乳糖(GalN)和甘露糖胺(ManN)存在于真菌和细菌胞外聚合物(EPS)中,它们的作用还不完全清楚。基于氨基糖的稳定同位素探针技术(15N-AS-SIP)已被用于指示土壤中真菌和细菌无机氮的固定速率。气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)可用于测定土壤氨基糖的含量,但由于GC-MS的同位素测定精度较低(±0.01原子%),需要使用高15N富集和高底物施用量,这两者都会干扰系统并影响15N同位素辨别。气相色谱-燃烧-同位素比质谱法(GC-C-IRMS)具有很高的灵敏度,精确度为0.0002-0.0008 atom %,从而能够使用与农业相关的氮肥施用量和相对较低的15N富集(10 atom % 15N)。
Fig. 1. Typical gaschromatogram of alditol acetate derivatives of total hydrolysable soil aminosugars. IS – myo-inositol internal standard and * - alditol acetate derivativeof glucose confirmed using GC-MS.
Table 1. Soil total N (TN; % dry weight) and composition of total hydrolysable amino sugars (THAS) pool for the 15N-NH4+-SIP experiment.
MurN, muramic acid; GlcNB, bacterial glucosamine; GlcNF,fungal glucosamine; ManN, mannosamine; GalN, galactosamine.
Table 2. Soil total N (TN; % dry weight) and composition of total hydrolysable amino sugars (THAS) pool for the 15N-NO3−-SIP experiment.
MurN, muramic acid; GlcNB, bacterial glucosamine; GlcNF,fungal glucosamine; ManN, mannosamine; GalN, galactosamine.
Fig. 2. δ15N values ofindividual amino sugars over the course of a 32-day incubation experimentfollowing addition of (a) 15NH4+ and (b) 15NO3−. Error bars are ± SE (n = 3).○ indicates δ15N values for MurN, ● is GlcN and ■ is GalN.
Table 3. Linear and non-linear regressions of Δ15N values of individual AS for the15NH4+ and 15NO3− treatment. A dash (-) indicates a horizontal line was a better fit than a linear regression (0–4days) or the non-linear regression did not fit the data (0–32 days).
Fig. 3. Percentage of applied 15NH4+ (a)and 15NO3− (b) incorporated into thetotal hydrolysable amino sugar bacterial and fungal pools. The bacterial pool(●) is a summation of applied 15N incorporated into GlcNB and MurN whilst fungal pool (○) is GlcNF. Error bars are ± SE(n = 3).
Fig. 4. Percentage of applied 15NH4+ (a)and 15NO3− (b) incorporated into the individual bacterial amino sugar pools of GlcNB (●) and MurN (○). Error bars are ± SE (n = 3).Table 4. Results of linear (zero-order rateconstants k0) and non-linear first-order exponential assimilation (first order rate constant k1 and plateau P1) regressions of the percentage of applied 15N incorporated into individual AS. Units of k0 are % day-1 and units of k1 are day-1. A dash (-) indicates ahorizontal line was a better fit, or the selected non-linear regression did not fit the data set.
Fig. 5. Experimentally derived biosynthetic map using determined initial incorporation and fluxes of 15N from (a) 15NH4+ and (b) 15NO3− incubation experiments. The lines indicate biochemical connectivity of the substrates based on known metabolic pathways. Box area is proportional to moles of N inindividual amino sugar (AS) pools; vertical distance from base of substrate boxis proportional to the reciprocal of the initial rate of incorporation (k0) and line width is proportional to the plateau % incorporation of 15Ninto that AS (Pl). Note the GalN line is dashed as it was not possible to determine initial rate of incorporation for this AS.
当15N并入到平台期(表明施用的15N周转处于平衡状态,或固定在更多的顽固性库中)时,15NH4+和15NO3−处理的15N并入微生物池的百分比分别为14.6%(SE 1.4%)和2.49%(SE 0.4%)。在这个库中,进入氨基酸库的通量占两个处理吸收的15N的大部分,因为与氨基糖相比,氨基酸的比例更高。
Fig. 6. Percentage of applied 15NH4+ (a) and 15NO3− (b) incorporated into thetotal hydrolysable amino acid (AA) and amino sugar (AS) bacterial and fungalpools. Calculations for THAA are summations of the percentage of applied 15N incorporated into each AA (Charteris et al., 2016).The bacterial pool is a summation of applied 15N incorporated into GlcNB and MurN whilst fungal pool is GlcNF. Error bars are ± SE (n = 3).
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