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Neuroprotective effect of bispectral index-guided fast-track anesthesia using sevoflurane combined with dexmedetomidine for intracranial aneurysm embolization
方 法
从安徽省立医院和中国武汉大学人民医院共纳入120例颅内动脉瘤栓塞患者,并随机分为两组。术中给予2%至3%七氟醚吸入后,一组患者静脉泵注1.0μg/ kg右美托咪定15分钟,然后以0.3μg/ kg / h维持直至手术结束; 另一组患者仅泵注生理盐水。
结 果
结 论
Tang CL1, Li J2, Zhang ZT3, Zhao B1, Wang SD2, Zhang HM2, Shi S1, Zhang Y4, Xia ZY1.Neuroprotective effect of bispectral index-guided fast-track anesthesia using sevofluranecombined with dexmedetomidine for intracranial aneurysm embolization.
1. Dexmedetomidine has sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, anti-sympathetic, and anti-shivering effects. Dexmedetomidine might be effective in combination with sevoflurane for anesthesia, but prospective randomized controlled clinical trials with which to verify this hypothesis are lacking.
2. In total, 120 patients who underwent embolization of an intracranial aneurysm were recruited from Anhui Provincial Hospital and Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University of China and randomly allocated to two groups. After intraoperative administration of 2% to 3% sevoflurane inhalation, one group of patients received pump-controlled intravenous injection of 1.0 μg/kg dexmedetomidine for 15 minutes followed by maintenance with 0.3 μg/kg/h until the end of surgery; the other group of patients only underwent pump-controlled infusion of saline.
3. Bispectral index monitoring revealed that dexmedetomidine-assisted anesthesia can shorten the recovery time of spontaneous breathing, time to eye opening, and time to laryngeal mask removal. Before anesthetic induction and immediately after laryngeal
mask airway removal, the glucose and lactate levels were low, the S100β and neuron-specific enolase levels were low, the perioperative blood pressure and heart rate were stable, and postoperative delirium was minimal.
4.These findings indicate that dexmedetomidine can effectively assist sevoflurane for anesthesia during surgical embolization of intracranial aneurysms, shorten the time to consciousness and extubation, reduce the stress response and energy metabolism, stabilize hemodynamic parameters, and reduce adverse reactions, thereby reducing the damage to the central nervous system. This trial was registered at the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (http://www.chictr.org.cn/) (registration number: ChiCTR-IPR-16008113).
