The Concise Knowledge of Chinese Calligraphy (III)

Today,we will guide you to roam in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), which was the most magnificent dynasty in Chinese history. Poetry was the most famous cultural achievement in the Tang Dynasty. The calligraphy in Tang was also brilliant, especially in regular script and cursive script. Let’s have a look.
Before browsing the calligraphy works of the Tang Dynasty, let’s give a glance at a very important calligraphy work, called Zhi Yong Thousand-Character Classic.
Zhi Yong Thousand-Character Classic, Regular script, cursive script   智永千字文, 楷书,草书
This work was created by Zhi Yong, who was a monk, living in the Sui Dynasty (581-618). The Thousand-Character Classic is a literary work, written by Zhou Xingsi (469-521), who lived in the Southern Dynasties. The verse is special, because it has one thousand words without repeat. Furthermore, it is rhymed, every sentence has four words, finely composed. It is easy to recite. The verse began to play the textbook role for primary students since then. Many calligraphers have written it. Zhi Yong wrote it many times, but most of them were lost. The one shown in the picture, which preserved in Japan nowadays, is definitely the most famous one. This work was written by two script types. One is regular script, the other is cursive script. They are kept in an alternate order--- the first line is regular script, the second line is cursive script, and so on.
Zhi Yong was the seventh descendant of Wang Xizhi. It is said that Zhi Yong inherited the calligraphy skill of his ancestor. I like the work best, because it is so beautiful. In addition, it is a paper work, the details of the strokes are so clear, which is extremely useful for study.
Jiu Cheng Gong li Quan Ming, Regular script, Ouyang Xun  《九成宫醴泉铭》,楷书,欧阳询(557-641)
Jiu Cheng Gong was a xanadu away from Chang An, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. One day, the emperor Li Shimin found a sweet spring beside Jiu Cheng Gong. He ordered his officials to make a tablet to commemorate the event. Wei Zheng created the essay. Ouyang Xun wrote the characters. Someone engraved the characters in the tablet--- a great work was born.
The style of this work is unique. The structures of the characters are rigorous. Center tight with strokes extended. Someone said that the characters look like spears and halberds. Ouyang Xun has tremendous influence from then to today. People named his calligraphy style as Ou Ti. Interestingly, Mr. Ouyang wasn’t a handsome man, according to the history book, he was very ugly.
Yan Ta Sheng Jiao Xu, Regular script, Chu Suiliang   雁塔圣教序,楷书,褚遂良(596-658)
This work was written by Chu Suiliang, who was a minister, living in the early Tang Dynasty. It contains two essays, respectively written by Li Shimin and his son Li Zhi, two emperors of the Tang Dynasty. The essays praised Xuan Zang, a great monk, who travelled to India and fetched important Buddhist scriptures.
Chu Suiliang was an outstanding calligrapher. The most remarkable characteristic of this work is the lifting and pressing of the brush. We can see some strokes are thick, others are slim. The rhythm of the strokes is vivid on the 'paper’, although the characters were carved in the tablet.
Ji Wang Xizhi Sheng Jiao Xu, Running script, Huai Ren 《集王羲之圣教序》,行书,怀仁
The content of this work is the same as Yan Ta Sheng Jiao Xu. That is to say, it contains two essays written by two emperors. But the two calligraphy works were created by different people. Ji Wang Xizhi Sheng Jiao Xu was made by a monk, who’s religious name was Huai Ren. Huai Ren looked for all the characters in the two essays from Wang Xi Zhi’s authentic works one by one, then copied them, set them together, made out a new calligraphy work. Therefore, the work is so distinctive, the essays belonged to two emperors, the characters written by Wang Xi Zhi, but the whole work achieved by Huai Ren. It is said Huai Ren spent many years to do this great project.
Owing to Huai Ren’ s diligent work, we can see the features of Wang Xizhi’s running scripts nowadays. We’ve said that the authentic works of Wang Xizhi were lost, so this work, although a copy one, is very precious.
Yan Qinli Tablet, Regular script, Yan Zhenqing  《颜勤礼碑》,楷书,颜真卿(709-785)
In the Chinese calligraphy history, the most famous calligrapher is Wang Xizhi, people called him Calligraphy Sage. Next to Wang Xizhi is Yan Zhenqing. After Yan, all of the outstanding calligraphers got nutrition from him. He is a virtuous man, not only a great calligrapher, but also a general, a patriot, fought against rebel army, and died in enemy’s prison.
Yan Zhenqing made a revolution in calligraphy. Before him, the tradition was Wang Xizhi. After him, the tradition changed. Simply said, the most important style of Yan Zhenqing’ s calligraphy is powerful. We can see the style in the picture. The style is new, but actually a reviving from the old tradition, for the style contains some elements of Seal script.
Xuan Mi Ta Tablet, Regular script, Liu Gongquan 《玄秘塔碑》,楷书,柳公权(778-865)
The last important calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty was Liu Gongquan. Liu enjoyed great reputation, even the ambassadors from other countries wanted to get his work when they came to China.
The first-rate works are always related to hard work and smart brain, so Liu Gongquan’s works are. He studied widely from his predecessors, such as Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun and Yan Zhenqing, fused them together and formed his own style. Mr. Liu’s way can give us some enlightenment, help us to study calligraphy more effectively.
We’ll come to the end of today’s introduction. There is a truth we need to say. We call these famous people above calligraphers, in fact, they were not the professional calligraphers. They were all high officials in the government. Some of them were generals, some were the teachers of princes. For them, handwriting was just the daily work. In their eyes, calligraphy was the last thing they have to do, realizing their political ideas were the first thing they must do. Even so, they created extraordinary works in the history.
