政观快递| Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 22, 2019(下)
期刊简介:《政治学年鉴》(Annual Review of Political Science)自1998年出版以来,其内容涵盖了政治学领域的重大进展,包括政治理论和哲学、国际关系、政治经济学、政治行为、美国和比较政治、公共管理和政策以及方法论等。根据 Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为3.915,在176种政治科学类期刊中排名第6位(6/176)。

20. 冲突的后果:理解政治冲突和暴力的后果
21. 整合文武关系的研究
22. 贸易中的企业与贸易政治
23. 没有那么“公民”:种族民族主义和公民民族主义之间有差别吗?
24. 测量公平、不平等与大数据:阿罗依赖的社会选择理论
25. 美国的地方选举与代表
26. 全民基本收入的政治理论
27. 美国政治中的种族和威权主义
28. 更好的政府,更好的科学:循证政策运动所面临的承诺和挑战

20. 冲突的后果:理解政治冲突和暴力的后果
题目:The Consequences of Contention: Understanding the Aftereffects of Political Conflict and Violence
作者:Christian Davenport,密歇根大学政治学系教授;Håvard Mokleiv Nygård,奥斯陆大学和平研究所高级研究员;Hanne Fjelde,乌普萨拉大学和平与冲突研究系副教授David Armstrong,西安大略大学政治学系副教授
What are the political and economic consequences of contention (i.e., genocide, civil war, state repression/human rights violation, terrorism, and protest)? Despite a significant amount of interest as well as quantitative research, the literature on this subject remains underdeveloped and imbalanced across topic areas. To date, investigations have been focused on particular forms of contention and specific consequences. While this research has led to some important insights, substantial limitations—as well as opportunities for future development—remain. In particular, there is a need for simultaneously investigating a wider range of consequences (beyond democracy and economic development), a wider range of contentious activity (beyond civil war, protest, and terrorism), a wider range of units of analysis (beyond the nation year), and a wider range of empirical approaches in order to handle particular difficulties confronting this type of inquiry (beyond ordinary least-squares regression). Only then will we have a better and more comprehensive understanding of what contention does and does not do politically and economically. This review takes stock of existing research and lays out an approach for looking at the problem using a more comprehensive perspective.
21. 整合文武关系的研究
题目:Integrating the Civil–Military Relations Subfield
作者:马凯特大学政治学系Allis Chalmers副教授
The subfield of civil–military relations has experienced a remarkable revitalization in recent years, yielding a wealth of intriguing insights. Yet, despite these auspicious developments, research remains unnecessarily divided across multiple dimensions: along the subdisciplinary boundaries of comparative, international, and American politics; within these subdisciplines by independent and dependent variables; by regional focus; by regime type analyzed (democratic, democratizing versus authoritarian); and by scholars' emphasis on normative versus positive analysis. This article aims to bridge existing divides and reduce fragmentation. It proposes several pathways forward, including proposing innovations in deductive theorizing, developing new analytical frameworks, and synthesizing and adjudicating empirical findings. It also suggests ways of bridging to research beyond the study of civil–military relations, such as that on the global phenomenon of democratic backsliding, the efficacy of nonviolent strategies of political struggle, military effectiveness, and the causes and outcomes of interstate war.
22. 贸易中的企业与贸易政治
题目:Firms in Trade and Trade Politics
作者:Song Kim,麻省理工学院政治学系助理教授;Iain Osgood,密歇根大学政治学系助理教授
摘要: 本文审视了研究在贸易政治中扮演主要角色的公司的相关文献。与主流方法不同,以企业为中心的模型预测,贸易会内分为不同产业,且大企业是全球化最积极的倡导者。这一新的偏好图式改变了现有的关于利益集团贸易竞争动态的预测,并对政治组织和政治制度如何促成一个开放的国际秩序的解释提出了修改意见。本文还探讨了对全球贸易体制运转、境外投资政治学、移民和资本流通及货币汇率提出新见解的可能性。企业参与的政治活动是国际政治经济学深入研究的重要领域:他们的经济活动直接影响全球范围内的商品、服务、资本和人员的流动。
We survey the literature on firms as primary actors in trade politics. In contrast with prevailing approaches, firm-centered models predict that trade internally divides industries and that larger firms are the strongest advocates for globalization. This new preference map alters extant predictions about the dynamics of interest group contestation over trade and suggests revised accounts for how political organization and institutions contribute to an open international order. We also explore the potential for new insights into the operation of the global trade regime, the politics of foreign investment, immigration and capital movements, and exchange rates. Political activities undertaken by firms are important areas for further research in international political economy: Their economic engagements directly affect the movement of goods, services, capital, and people across the globe.
23. 没有那么“公民”:
题目:Not So Civic: Is There a Difference Between Ethnic and Civic Nationalism?
作者:Yael (Yuli) Tamir,以色列申卡学院院长,牛津大学布拉瓦特尼克政府学院兼职教授。
There are reasons why some political ideas fit better into a theoretical framework than others. This article analyzes attempts to detheorize nationalism, arguing that they serve three major functions. First, they free nationalists from universalizing their arguments and from the ensuing rights and obligations. Second, they allow its rivals to present nationalism as morally inferior to other political standpoints. Third, they lead to the singling out and legitimization of one specific form of nationalism that is principle driven. Drawing a line between forms of nationalism—those motivated by primordial feelings and those motivated by rational and universal principles—lays the groundwork for a distinction between ethnic and civic nationalism. Though in theory these are two distinct forms of nationalism, in reality the boundaries are blurred. And yet advocates of civic nationalism keep the distinction alive, wishing to distance themselves from the other form of nationalism and promoting a vision (some would say the illusion) of a nationless nationalism. Assuming that Western democracies have transcended their national and ethnic elements encourages politicians to ignore social schisms, avoiding the need to cope with their consequences. The civic language therefore not only is theoretically inaccurate but also motivates avoidance where action is needed.
24. 测量公平、不平等与大数据:
题目:Measuring Fairness, Inequality, and Big Data: Social Choice Since Arrow
作者:John W. Patty,埃默里大学政治学系教授;Elizabeth Maggie Penn,埃默里大学政治学系教授
摘要:肯尼斯·约瑟夫·阿罗(Kenneth J. Arrow)是二十世纪最重要的知识分子之一,他的“阿罗不可能定理”可以说是社会选择理论的开端。在本篇综述中,作者首先简要讨论了阿罗的理论以及随后拓展了该理论的研究。然后,作者讨论了其对于投票和宪法制度的影响,包括一些表征了该宪法制度可以做什么及成因的重大结果(包含消极的和积极的)。随后,作者从这些结果的狭义解释出发,考虑了更为多变的制度设计问题,例如分配和地理选区划分。由此,本文讨论了该定理对于衡量诸如正义和不平等等与政治科学相关的基本概念的意义。最后,作者讨论了近来将社会选择概念和公理化方法更广泛地应用于数据科学中的研究。
Kenneth J. Arrow was one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century, and his “impossibility theorem” is arguably the starting point of modern, axiomatic social choice theory. In this review, we begin with a brief discussion of Arrow's theorem and subsequent work that extended the result. We then discuss its implications for voting and constitutional systems, including a number of seminal results—both positive and negative—that characterize what such systems can accomplish and why. We then depart from this narrow interpretation of the result to consider more varied institutional design questions such as apportionment and geographical districting. Following this, we address the theorem's implications for measurement of concepts of fundamental interest to political science such as justice and inequality. Finally, we address current work applying social choice concepts and the axiomatic method to data analysis more generally.
25. 美国的地方选举与代表
标题:Local Elections and Representation in the United States
作者:Christopher Warshaw, 乔治华盛顿大学政治学系助理教授
In recent years, there has been a surge in the study of representation and elections in local politics. Scholars have made progress on many of the empirical barriers that stymied earlier researchers. As a result, the study of representation and elections in local politics has moved squarely into the center of American politics. The findings of recent research show that local politics in the modern, polarized era is much more similar to other areas of American politics than previously believed. Scholars have shown that partisanship and ideology play important roles in local politics. Due to the growing ideological divergence between Democrats and Republicans, Democratic elected officials increasingly take more liberal positions, and enact more liberal policies, than Republican ones. As a result, despite the multitude of constraints on local governments, local policies in the modern era tend to largely reflect the partisan and ideological composition of their electorates.
26. 全民基本收入的政治理论
题目:The Political Theory of Universal Basic Income
作者:Juliana Uhuru Bidadanure,斯坦福大学哲学系助理教授
Universal basic income (UBI) is a radical policy proposal of a monthly cash grant given to all members of a community without means test, regardless of personal desert, with no strings attached, and, under most proposals, at a sufficiently high level to enable a life free from economic insecurity. Once a utopian proposal, the policy is now widely discussed and piloted throughout the world. Among the various objections to the proposal, one concerns its moral adequacy: Isn't it fundamentally unjust to give cash to all indiscriminately rather than to those who need it and deserve it? This article reviews the variety of strategies deployed by political theorists to posit that the proposal is in fact justified, or even required, by social justice. The review focuses mainly on the contemporary normative debate on UBI—roughly dating back to Philippe Van Parijs's influential work in the 1990s—and is centered on the ideals of freedom and equality.
27. 美国政治中的种族和威权主义
题目:Race and Authoritarianism in American Politics
作者:Christopher Sebastian Parker,华盛顿大学政治学系教授;Christopher C. Towler,加尼福利亚州立大学政治学系助理教授
Authoritarianism, it seems, is alive and well these days. The Trump administration's blatant dismissal of democratic norms has many wondering whether it fits the authoritarian model. This review offers a framework for understanding authoritarianism in the American past, as well as the American present. Starting in the early twentieth century, this analysis seeks to provide a better understanding of how authoritarianism once existed in enclaves in the Jim Crow South, where it was intended to dominate blacks in the wake of emancipation. Confining the definition of authoritarianism to regime rule, however, leaves little room for a discussion of more contemporary authoritarianism, at the micro level. This review shifts focus to an assessment of political psychology's concept of authoritarianism and how it ultimately drives racism. Ultimately, we believe a tangible connection exists between racism and authoritarianism. Even so, we question the mechanism. Along the way, we also discuss the ways in which communities of color, often the targets of authoritarianism, resist the intolerance to which they have been exposed. We conclude with a discussion of why we believe, despite temporal and spatial differences as well as incongruous levels of analysis, that micro- and macro-level authoritarianism have much in common.
28. 更好的政府,更好的科学:
题目:Better Government, Better Science: The Promise of and Challenges Facing the Evidence-Informed Policy Movement
作者:Jake Bowers,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校政治学系副教授;Paul F Testa,布朗大学政治学系助理教授。
摘要:学院与政府之间合作有望改善人民生活、政府运作以及我们对于人类行为以及政策的理解。本文表明,循证政策运动(evidence-informed policy movement)主要包括两个方面:(a)努力利用社会科学和行为科学共识中对人类行为和制度的见解来制定新政策;(b)努力利用透明、完备的研究设计(例如随机控制实验)去评估政府政策的成功与否。作者认为,结合着两种方法的团队可能解决或至少很好地处理这些问题。作者还建议政府行为者应当去了解为什么一个新政策有效,就像他们了解那个政策是否有效一样。作者展望了循证的公共政策实践(a)其涉及跨部门合作,并运用最新的理论和深厚的背景知识来设计新政策,(b)运用寻求因果关系的研究设计和统计推断方面的最新见解,(c)专注于评估解释以及发现有效的方法。循证的公共政策运动是一种运用新数据、新问题、新合作者的方法,这可以帮助政治科学家改善对政治的理论认识以及帮助政策制定者改善政府的自身实践。
Collaborations between the academy and governments promise to improve the lives of people, the operations of government, and our understanding of human behavior and public policy. This review shows that the evidence-informed policy movement consists of two main threads: (a) an effort to invent new policies using insights from the social and behavioral science consensus about human behavior and institutions and (b) an effort to evaluate the success of governmental policies using transparent and high-integrity research designs such as randomized controlled trials. We argue that the problems of each approach may be solved or at least well addressed by teams that combine the two. We also suggest that governmental actors ought to want to learn about why a new policy works as much as they want to know that the policy works. We envision a future evidence-informed public policy practice that (a) involves cross-sector collaborations using the latest theory plus deep contextual knowledge to design new policies, (b) applies the latest insights in research design and statistical inference for causal questions, and (c) is focused on assessing explanations as much as on discovering what works. The evidence-informed public policy movement is a way that new data, new questions, and new collaborators can help political scientists improve our theoretical understanding of politics and also help our policy partners to improve the practice of government itself.