
最新,在看文献的时候,一不小心发现一个期刊非常喜欢接收生信数据挖掘的文章,也就是我们平常的GEO,TCGA, Oncomine数据挖掘。这个期刊就是:Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,期刊影响因子为:2.959,也就是准3分的文章,能满足大多数人的毕业要求。

这个期刊是非OA期刊,没有选择 OnlineOpen的话是不需要交版面费的。审稿周期不太稳定,有时候快,有时候慢,看你的运气了。

aims and scope:

The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry publishes descriptions of original research in which complex cellular, pathogenic, clinical, or animal model systems are studied by biochemical, molecular, genetic or quantitative ultrastructural approaches. Submission of papers reporting genomic and proteomic approaches to identify and characterize parameters of biological control in a cellular context are encouraged. The areas covered include, but are not restricted to, conditions, agents, regulatory processes, or differentiation states that influence structure, cell cycle & growth control, structure-function relationships, or assembly mechanisms in cells, viruses, or supramolecular constructs, and signaling mechanisms mediating transcription. This scope extends to cell structure and function; organelle assembly; regulation of cell organization, reproduction or differentiation; stem cell biology, non-coding RNAs, the architectural organization and compartmentalization of nucleic acids and regultitleatory proteins within the nucleus and cytoplasm; the dynamics of intranuclear trafficking, placement and assembly of regulatory machinery for genetic and epigenetic control of gene expression; and to the development, organization or remodeling of tissues.

