

CLASS:                           NAME:


(   )1.A. she           B.let             C.letter          D. tell

(   )2.A. nice          B.lively         C. like            D.picture

(   )3.A.plane         B.glad           C. lab             D.man

(   )4.A.study         B.uncle         C. full            D.bus

(   )5.A.body          B.both           C. lot             D.college

(   )6. A .look         B.foot           C. good          D.food

(   )7.A. watch       B.what          C. water         D.stand

(   )8. A. this          B.thank         C. those          D.father

(   )9. A. what        B.when         C. who           D.where

(   )10. A. leaf        B.teach          C. easy           D.breakfast


(   )11. ______ dog is muchsmaller than _______ elephant.

A. The ,an             B.A, the        C. A, an                D. A, a

(  )12.Look! There is ______ picture on the wall. How nice it is !

A. a               B.an                     C.the                       D. /

(   )13. –What’s the datetoday?--It’s ____.

A.fourth July                      B.of July of the fourth

C. the fourth of July            D.the July of fourth

(   )14. The bike is mine .Itisn’t________.

A.her                 B.she            C hers           D.she’s

(   )15. ._____ can mendthe bike. Please give it to_______.

A.You;me          B. His;  him               C.She;her   D.I; you

(   )16. When spring comes,the weather will get ____________.

A.warm                  B.cold                   C.cloud     D.rain

(   )17. Their Englishteacher is a woman and ____ is a man.

A.our          B.us            C.we                 D.ours

(   )18. ----Can you giveit to_____ tomorrow?   ----OK.

A.she               B.hers                C.his           D.him

(   )19. He usually getsup______6:30_____the morning.

A. at, in       B.in, on      C. at, on      D. in, in

(   )20. —_____ is Linda'sbirthday,John?

— July 4th.

A.What      B. When      C.How             D.Why

(  )21.Iwant ___ basketball after class.

A.play           B.playing    C.played                D.toplay

(   )22. --Nice to seeyou.---                        .

A.Allright    B.That's OK  C.Thank you     D.Niceto see you,too

(  )23. Someof the apples _____ the tree are hard to reach.

A.in            B.on            C.at                 D.to

(  )24. Myparents  _____ workers.

A.is both    B.are both     C.both is            D.bothare

(   )25. I am _________tomeet you.

A.glad      B.bad           C.important       D.luckily

(   )26. My father is_________ engineer. He works very hard.

A. a            B.an              C.the                    D./

(   )27. There is______________big table in the dining room.

A. An          B./               C.the               D.a

(   )28. Our classroom is_____ the third floor.

A.in              B.at           C.on                     D.upon

(   )29. I like ___.

A. watching TV      B.play football

C.walkby the river    D. sing

(    )30.He isonly a solider _______ in that big battle.

A.living      B,live      C.lively             D.alive

(  )31.Weenjoy ___ football on the playground.

A.play       B.playing   C.to play            D.played

( )32.The child can played_______piano and______basketball when he  was young. 

   A. the,the        B. the,X           C. X,X           D. X,the 

(   )33. There ____ a lotof books in the library.

A.is                   B.am                     C.are                      D.be

(   )34. There ______ manyboys and girls in the class.

A.is                   B.are                         C.am                     D.be

(   )35. There _____ adoctor and two nurses in the hospital.

A.is                     B.are                          C.am                   D.be

(   )36. ---Is there a mapon the wall?---_____________

A.Yes,there is                  B.Yes,there isn’t

C.No, there are                D.No,they aren’t

(   )37. .--Are there twomaps on the wall?--_________.

A.Yes,there is                  B.Yes,there isn’t

C.No, there are                D.No,there aren’t

(   )38. There _____ twonurses and a doctor  in the hospital.

A.is                         B.are                     C.am                    D.be

(   )39.--______does yourfather do ? – He is a worker.

A. What           B. How            C.When               D.How

(   )40.-- ________ ishe  ?   — He is Jack.

A.How              B.Whom              C.Who             D. What

(  )41.___useful book it is!

A. What an    B. What a            C. How a                  D.What

(  )42. Todayis September 10th.It's ___ Day.

A.Teachers            B.Teachers'           C.the Teachers'      D.Teacher's

(  )43. Tom'swatch is the same as his ___.

A.brother              B.brothers            C.brother's         D.brothers'

(  )44.Thereare many ___ playing on the playground.

A.child                 B.children          C.man teachers    D.sheeps

(  )45.Arethese your___?

A.tomato               B.potatos           C.radioes         D.photos

(  )46. .Thedeer has four ___.

A.foot               B.feet           C.foots                 D.afoot

(  )47. Idon't know the way ____.

A.his school      B.toschool    C.to his school          D.goingschool

(  )48. My grandparents always help us _______ a lot of housework.

A. for         B. in             C.on                D.do

(   )49.There are two________ on the table.

A.    knifes             B.knife          C. knives       D.knifes’

(   )50.They put thebottles on ____right of the room.

A. a              B.the             C. an       D./


Sam and Ann have three meals aday: breakfast, lunch 51 dinner. They have breakfast at home. 52 weekdaysthey have lunch at school. They 53

have quick meals suchas hamburgers and hot dogs. 54 on weekends.they have lunch at home withtheir parents. They always have  55   at home.

Dinneris the  56 meal of the day. Mr. Scott comes home from 57 at five,and Mrs. Scott serves dinner at six. They usually   58  withsoup. Then they have meat, fish, potatoes or    59 vegetables.

Atdinner they have sweet food. Mr. Scott doesn't like sweet food, 60  Mrs.Scott and the children do.

51.A. or               B.and                  C.but            D. so

52. A. On             B.In                     C.At              D.For

53. A. sometime     B.never             C.always     D. usual

54. A. Or           B. Because             C.But            D. So

55. A. breakfast      B.lunch             C.dinner     D. meals

56.A. late                 B. big                   C.small      D. clean

57. A. shop            B.car                    C.work          D. office

58. A. do        B.open                 C.have          D. start

59. A. some           B.many                C.other          D. little

60. A. so        B.then                  C.but            D. and


Passage A

Tom and Mike are goodfriends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day Tomtells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music andcomputers. They are both very glad to hear that.

Tom can playbasketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, thetrumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Canthey join the Summer Camp?

(   )56. Tom and Mike wantto _____.

A.help with sports, music and computers

B.be good with children

C.join the Summer Camp

D.get help from Camp

(   )57. What does theSummer Camp need help with?

A.Flying kites.

B.Sports, music and computers.

C.Making cakes.

D.Drawing pictures.

(   )58. Tom can play______.

A.balls                                                    B.computer games

C.music                                                   D.violin

(   )59. Mike can play______.

A.the drums                                             B.volleyball

C.basketball                                             D.football

(   )60. What do Tom andMike both like?

A.Football.                                              B.Computers.

C.Swimming.                   D. Sports.

Passage B

Jenny gets up early inthe morning. She has her breakfast and goes to school. She walks to the busstop and takes a bus. She gets to school at about half past seven.

Jenny is never latefor school. She likes school and works hard. Classes begin at 8:00. She has sixclasses every day. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes Englishbest.

Usually Jenny haslunch at school. Sometimes she helps her classes with their lessons. Jenny goeshome at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with theirlessons. After supper she usually watches TV news. Then she does her homework.She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girl.

(   )61. Where does Jennyhave her breakfast?

A.She has her breakfast at home.

B.She has her breakfast at school.

C. She has herbreakfast on her way to school.

D.She has her breakfast on the bus.

(   )62. How does Jenny doat her lessons?

A.She doesn’t like going to school.

B.She can’t do her lessons.

C.She does very well in her lessons.

D.She doesn’t know her lessons at all.

(   )63. How many hours isJenny at school?

A.She is at school for seven hours.

B.She is at school for seven and a half hours.

C. She is at schoolfor eight hours.

D. She is at schoolfor nine and a half hours.

(   )64. What does Jennysometimes do after school?

A.She has supper with her classmates at school.

B.She helps her friends study their lessons.

C.She does some shopping for her mother.

D.She goes home with her friends.

(   )65 What does Jenny doafter supper?

A.She watches TV and then goes to bed.

B.She watches TV and does some housework.

C.She watches TV and does her lessons.

D.She reads her English and does some sports.


In England, peopleoften talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in oneday. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour laterblack clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. Inthe late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and itwill be summer at this time of a day.
   In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winterin summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes theyshould take warm clothes.
    When you go to England, you will see that some Englishpeople usually take an umbrella (伞)or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, butyou should not laugh at them.
   If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.
(  )66. Whydo people in England often talk about the weather?
     A. Because they may have four seasons in one day
     B. Because they often have very good weather
     C. Because the weather is warm just like in spring
     D. Because the sky is sunny all day
(  )67. Fromthe story we know that when _________come, there   is a heavy rain.
     A. sunshine and snow       B.black clouds
     C. summer and winter            D.spring and autumn
 (  )68."People can also have summer in winter." Means "it  is          sometimes too ______inwinter."
     A. warm                    B.cool          C. cold          D.rainy
(  )69. Inthe sunny morning some English people usually take  a raincoat or anumbrella with them because ________.
  A. their friends ask them to doso                          B.it often rains in England
 C. they are going to sell them

D. they are their favoritethings

(   )70. The best title (标题)for this passage is________.
   A. Bad Seasons                                   B.Summer or Winter

C. TheWeather in England            D.Strange English People


Tom is a little boy, and heis only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first timefor him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or threeminutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again and bought athird ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for anotherticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him, “Why do you buy so manytickets ?How many friends do you meet?”Tom answered, “No, I have no friendhere. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tear(斯)my ticket to pieces.”

(   )71.Tom wanted to buy______when the girl asked him.

A.the second ticket                     B.the third ticket

C.the fourth ticket               D.the fifth ticket

(   )72.The big boy stoppedTom at the door because______.

A.itwas the big boy’s job

B. thebig boy didn’t like Tom

C.the gig boy didn’t know Tom

D. Tomdidn’t buy tickets at all

(   )73.The big boy was______at the cinema.

A.a bookseller                           B.a policeman

C. ashopkeeper                           D.a ticket collector

(   )74.From the story weknow______.

A.the little boy had a lot of money

B.the little boy knew nothing about the cinema

C.the big boy wasn’t friendly to Tom

D.the girl wanted to get more money

(   )75.Which of thefollowing is Not true in the passage? ______

A.Tom bought the tickets for himself

B.Tom didn’t go to the cinema before

C.Tom was too young to make friends

D.Tom had no friend at the cinema


(   )76.  Thereare a pen and two pencils on the desk. _________________

A    B     C              D

(   )77. There is   a  apple  on the plate.    ___________________

A   B     C      D

(   )78. I  is   a   boy.   ___________________

A    B  C    D

(   )79. There  is  alot of  books  on the desk.  ___________________

A     B     C       D

(   )80. The two man doctors  come from Jilin.  ___________________

A       B    C       D

(  )81. Ourclassroom is in the third floor in the schoolbuilding.  __________

A          B C     D

(   )82. Why  didyou  make  such  a lots of   mistakes? ______________

A           B           C        D

(   )83. The  boy   is   fifteen    year  old.  ___________________

A        B      C       D

(   )84. She  is  ill today.  Let’s  go to  see  him.   ________________

A             B     C         D

(   )85. There  are any   books   on the desk.___________________

A   B     C         D


以“My Family”为题,请介绍一下自己的家庭成员,他们的职业,个人爱好,性格特征等。字数:80-100字。

