TE||Drinking in the last-chance saloon






Drinking in the last-chance saloon 


英文部分选自经济学人Science and technology版块

Animal conservation


Drinking in the last-chance saloon


Last chance saloon :

1.a place frequented by unsavoury or contemptible people卑鄙的人常去的地方

2.a situation considered to be the last  opportunity for success黎明前的黑暗

IVF may bring northern white rhinos back from the brink of extinction


SUDAN, the last male northern white rhinoceros on Earth, died in March. He is survived by two females, Najin and her daughter Fatu, who live in a conservancy in Kenya. This pair (pictured) are thus the only remaining members of the world’s most endangered subspecies of mammal. But all might not yet be lost. Thomas Hildebrandt of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, in Berlin, in collaboration with Avantea, a biotechnology company in Cremona, Italy, is proposing heroic measures to keep the subspecies alive. In a paper just published in Nature, he and his colleagues say that they have created, by in vitro fertilisation (IVF), apparently viable hybrid embryos of northern white rhinos and their cousins from the south. This, they hope, will pave the way for the creation of pure northern-white embryos.

三月,地球上最后一头雄性北部白犀牛“苏丹”死亡。它死后,只剩下两头雌性白犀牛Najin和它的女儿Fatu生活在肯尼亚保护区。这一对犀牛(如图)是世界上最濒危哺乳动物亚种仅存的活体了。不过这一切可能还没有结束。柏林莱布尼兹野生动物研究中心的托马斯·希尔德(Thomas Hildebrandt),通过与意大利克雷莫纳的生物科技公司Avantea合作,提出大胆的举措来保护亚种活体。刚刚在《自然》杂志上发表的一篇论文中,他和他的同事称,他们已经通过体外受精(IVF)的方式,创造并培育出了北部白犀牛和其南部表亲的杂交胚胎,这些杂交胚胎显然具有生命活性。他们希望,可以通过这种方式创造出纯种的北部白犀牛胚胎。

heroic measures:冒险措施;果断措施;孤注一掷的手段

IVF seems the last hope for the northern white rhino. Though stored sperm from Sudan and several other males are available, both Najin and Fatu now seem unable to conceive. This means, if the subspecies is to be preserved, that one or both of them will have to have some eggs removed from their ovaries and combined with stored sperm in a Petri dish.

体外受精(IVF)似乎是北部白犀牛的最后希望。尽管已经保存了“苏丹”和其它雄性犀牛的精子,并且都有活性。但是Najin 和Fatu现在都不能受孕。这就意味着:如果想要延续这一亚种,那么就需要从Najin或者Fatu的卵巢内提取出卵子,然后在培养皿中进行体外受精培育。

Extracting rhinoceros eggs is hard. The animals’ ovaries are over a metre deep inside them, meaning that the extraction procedure, which employs a probe with a sharp needle attached to it to suck the eggs out, is hazardous. But practice makes perfect, so the team started by obtaining instead some eggs from a southern white rhino, the northern’s close cousin. They combined these with some of their cache of northern sperm and coaxed seven of the resulting zygotes through the early stages of embryonic development, to the point where they could be implanted in the uterus of a southern white, who would act as a surrogate mother, with a reasonable hope of success.


That has not yet happened. The seven embryos are now in a freezer awaiting the results of research on how best to transfer them to surrogates. In the meantime, having proved their technique with these hybrids, Dr Hildebrandt and his colleagues now hope to create more embryos, this time using eggs from the two remaining female northern whites.


Even if they succeed, though, it will be a long haul back for the northern white rhino. Members of any new generation resulting from IVF will have then to be bred with each other to create subsequent generations—with all the risks of reduced biological fitness which such incest entails. It is not so much a gene pool that Dr Hildebrandt is working with as a gene puddle.


Then there is the question of what to do with the resulting animals. Analysis of other rhinoceros species, both in Africa and Asia, points to a viable population in the wild needing to be at least 500 strong. Even if such a group could be created, and not collapse from lack of genetic diversity, releasing it into the tender mercies of what remains of Kenya’s savannah would be risky. The reason the northern white has come so close to extinction—poaching—is unlikely to go away anytime soon.


Dr Hildebrandt’s work is thus a half step along what is likely to be a very long road indeed. Charismatic megafauna rhinoceroses may be. But whether that charisma can sustain enough effort for long enough to save the northern white is about to be tested.





Jasmine, 女 ,税收专业大三学生, 经济学人粉丝












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