

有没有听过 “ Yellow Fever”?

也被称之为: rice fever, Asian fetish

有没有觉得这个妹子很眼熟? 她是Wongfu Production有一集 “她有男朋友”里面的女主角。Youtuber: Anna Akana


Why Guys Like Asian Girls?

“Men with 'yellow fever' look at you and they only see school girls or sexual geishas,“ she explains in "Why Guys Like Asian Girls.” Akana gets to the root of the real problem with yellow fever: It doesn't see women as fully-formed individuals, but as the living embodiment of offensive stereotypes.


在This American Life上听到这个故事

同样也是黄皮肤的"ABC"Debbie Lum一直被这样的问题困扰着: 为何很多白人偏偏就喜欢亚洲女孩子? 于是,她进行了采访, 拍了一个纪录片: Seeking Asian Female

故事的主人公是Steven和 Sandy.

Steven is an aging white man obsessed with marrying an Asian woman, dreaming of a devoted young wife. Sandy is the young, feisty, ambitious Chinese woman he finds online. This engaging documentary follows their tumultuous love story.

60岁的Steven大概从5年前开始喜欢亚洲女孩,狂热的喜欢. 在没有电脑之前,他收集亚洲姑娘照片的 “相亲”报纸,小册子。 有了电脑之后上各个交友论坛上收集亚洲女孩子的照片: 大概有6000多张. 慢慢的他发现, 他只钟情中国女孩子。 5年之内他和100多个中国姑娘写过信打过电话 — "They are all so beautiful."

For years, twice-divorced airport garage attendant Steven has been writing to numerous women through an online dating site that specializes in connecting Western men with Asian women. At times, his pursuit seems like utter fantasy.

在一次失败的求婚后, 终于 有人同意和他结婚了 —  一个安徽姑娘,年龄比他小一半的 Sandy。两个人虽素未谋面,在网上就你我约定了。Steven 飞到中国,两个月后他们一起回到了美国三藩市。

He falls for a 24-year-old woman across the Pacific entirely through pictures and email. When she eventually breaks his heart, he meets another Chinese woman, 30-year-old Sandy. They become engaged, and she flies to San Francisco to marry him.

Steven不懂中文, Sandy不懂英文,两个人在家的时候用电脑翻译完给对方看。很多时候两个人有矛盾了,  就打电话给拍他们的纪录片导演Debbie。 Sandy有三个月的时间来决定是否要嫁给Steven, 如果不的话,她就必须回国(签证的问题)。

Steven and Sandy negotiate cross-cultural differences huddled around Google Translate as they try to communicate despite an enormous language barrier. While they attempt to work out the significant bumps in their relationship, filmmaker Debbie Lum finds herself becoming more than an outside observer: Steven and Sandy begin to rely heavily on Lum to bridge the large gap between their two disparate cultures.

刚来美国的时候,Debbie和Sandy聊天, Sandy说,"我想嫁给他不是因为他是美国人, 有没有钱, 而是我觉得我们有共同的爱好和兴趣。" 当现实照进范特西,两个人都发现来自文化语言性格的各种冲突,  Sandy开始觉得后悔,“我知道Steven不富有,没想到他是这么穷”, "都说美国是天堂,其实也就那么回事"。

吵过闹过之后,两个人还是决定要在一起,面对现实, 学会相处。

Sandy comes to realize that both Steven and life in America are not as ideal as she had expected. But as she confronts many of Steven’s bad habits, he begins to change. His obsession with many Asian women becomes a deep commitment to one — and he recognizes that in order to keep Sandy, he must learn how to be a caring, respectful, and culturally sensitive husband. Above all he must confront the reality of marriage — not to the sweet innocent girl he imagined, but to a demanding, strong-willed Asian woman.

这个片子是我在iTunes上买的, 分享给你。 可以用来练习一下听力和翻译,更重要的是思考一下跨文化交际中需要注意些什么。

Seeking Asian Female is a film about facing and unlearning stereotypes and the judgments that stem from them. “All three of us — Steven, Sandy and myself — changed the expectations that we held of each other before we met,” says Lum.


