向大师致敬@George Stubbs

2018-07-19 14:37

Mares and Foals without a Backgroundby George Stubbs, Public Domian (source: commons.wikimedia.org)


论欧洲历史中绘画骏马最著名者,非英国画家 GEORGE STUBBS(乔治 史塔布斯;1724~1806)莫属,自幼立志成为画家的他,只经历过数周的拜师学艺,便通过自学成才的方式达到如此深湛造诣,天赋之高令人惊叹,但能够成为一代艺术巨匠,他所付出的努力也是常人所难以想象的。

George Stubbsby George Stubbs, National Portrait Gallery, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)

现存关于这位画家的文献记录少之又少,为何他的大部分画作均以马为题已是无从稽考,但无论是过去或现在,大家都一致认为 GEORGE STUBBS笔下的马匹,是画家中表现得最为真实、最为准确的。



数年前一次走马观花之旅,笔者有幸亲眼观赏到 GEORGE STUBBS最著名的作品 Whistlejacket,奈何当时有眼不识泰山,对这位艺术大师一无所知,只记得当时在其它画厅中透过门廊,远远看到这幅巨型作品(292 x 246.4 cm)之时,便被活像要跳出来的栗色骏马所深深吸引,画中虽无传统画作中精美绝伦的背景,但马匹的立体感实在令人拍案叫绝,至今仍记忆犹新,对艺术一知半解的笔者尚有如此感受,不难想象有多少人曾被这幅栩栩如生的画作打动过。

Whistlejacketby George Stubbs, The National Gallery, UK (source: artuk.org)

这幅约于 1762 年完成的作品,是 GEORGE STUBBS为他最重要的顾客,第二代 Marquess of Rockingham(罗金汉侯爵)所画,这位侯爵是两届英国首相兼欧洲最富有的人之一,而 Whistlejacket 正是其名下马匹,出生于 1749 年,乃 Goldolphin Arabian(纯血马三大原始祖先之一)的第三代。


就像很多画家一样,GEORGE STUBBS也曾有穷困潦倒、依靠亲朋戚友补贴的时光,所幸在三十多岁之时,赶上纯血赛马活动在英国上流社会急速盛行的风口,让这位极度精于绘画马匹的画家,受到一众达官贵人与皇室贵族的青睐,争相邀约为爱马留画纪念。


Bay Hunter by a Lakeby George Stubbs, Tate, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)


Two Horses in a Paddockby George Stubbs, National Trust, Ascott, UK (source: artuk.org)


'Gnawpost' and Two Other Coltsby George Stubbs, Walker Art Gallery, UK (artuk.org)


Mares and Foals in a River Landscapeby George Stubbs, Tate, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (artuk.org)


Sir Sidney Medowsby George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)


Laetitia, Lady Ladeby George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)


George IV, when Prince of Walesby George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)


The Reverend Robert Carter Thelwall and His Familyby George Stubbs, The Holburne Museum, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)


Wedgwood Familyby George Stubbs, Wedgwood Museum, UK (sources: artuk.org)

就像 Whistlejacket 一样,有不少有名有姓的真实纯血马成为了画中主角,比如说 Eclipse「日蚀」,一匹绝大部份现代纯血马的共同祖先…

Eclipseby George Stubbs, Learning Resource Centre, UK (source: artuk.org)

1795 年三岁经典赛「英国圣烈治」冠军 Hambletonian…

Hambletonianby George Stubbs, National Trust, Mount Stewart, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)

这匹叫 Lustre,Godolphin Arabian 的第三代,与 Whistlejacket 同辈份啊!

Lustre, held by a Groomby George Stubbs, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection (source: britishart.yale.edu)


Baronetwith Samuel Chifney up by George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)

灰马 Gimcrack 是当时名字响当当的赛场王者!

Gimcrack with John Pratt up on Newmarket Heathby George Stubbs, The Fitzwillian Museum, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)

一匹腿长长称作 Molly Long Legs 的雌马,果然马如其名…

'Molly Long-Legs' with Her Jockeyby George Stubbs, Walker Art Gallery, UK (source: artuk.org)

这匹叫 Otho 所属的父线血系(St Victors Barb)早就灭绝了…

Otho, with John Larkin upby George Stubbs, Tate, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)

这匹叫 Pumpkin 的栗毛马,曾拿下十六场赛事的冠军!

Pumpkinby George Stubbs, National Trust, Ascott, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)

这是 Turf,第三代 Duke of Ancaster(安卡斯特公爵)的名下马…

Turf, with Jockey up, at Newmarketby George Stubbs, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection (source: britishart.yale.edu)

除了马,GEORGE STUBBS 也会画一些其他动物,比如说汪星人…

Fino and Tinyby George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)


Yakby George Stubbs, Hunterian Museum, UK (source: artuk.org)


Zebraby George Stubbs, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection (source: britishart.yale.edu)


The Mooseby George Stubbs, Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, UK (source: artuk.org)


The Lincolnshire Oxby George Stubbs, Walker Art Gallery, UK (source: artuk.org)


Rhinocerosby George Stubbs, Hunterian Museum, UK (source: artuk.org)


Greenland Falconby George Stubbs, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection (source: britishart.yale.edu)


The Nilgaiby George Stubbs, Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, UK (source: artuk.org)


A Red Deer Buck and a Doeby George Stubbs, Royal Collection Trust, UK (source: royalcollection.org.uk)


The Kongouro from New Hollandby George Stubbs, Royal Museums Greenwich, UK (source: collections.rmg.co.uk)


Cheetah and Stag with Two Indiansby George Stubbs, Manchester Art Gallery, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)

狮子是 GEORGE STUBBS 在画中经常与马放一起的动物,可怜的马自然是被侵害的对象了,而这个主题曾经出现过不少的版本,比如这匹银鬃马的…

Horse Frightened by a Lionby George Stubbs, Tate, UK (source: artuk.org)

吓得不轻呢!这是匹 Palomino 还是 Cremello?

A Stallion Surprised by a Lionby George Stubbs, English Heritage, Down House, UK (source: artuk.org)


Horse Frightened by a Lionby George Stubbs, Walker Art Gallery, UK (source: artuk.org)


Horse Devoured by a Lionby George Stubbs, Tate, UK, CC BY-NC-ND (source: artuk.org)

大家都知道马是极度好动的动物,要他如模特般一动不动让您画,简直是难于登天,绘画马匹的实际难度要比人像大得多了,而 GEORGE STUBBS除了天份外,到底还有什么秘诀能使画作如此的传神?


GEORGE STUBBS与另一位大家都认识的大师「达芬奇」拥有一个共通点,那便是对解刨学均甚感兴趣并曾经深入研究,GEORGE STUBBS约二十岁时便向一些专家开始学习解剖,在三十二岁时更在妻子的协助下,利用一年半的时间对死去的马匹进行解剖,在一层一层剥下后用画笔记录所见,以深入了解马匹运动时骨骼与肌肉的实际状态。

Finished study for The Third Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

The Fourth Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

The Fifth Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

这一切均发生在 GEORGE STUBBS未成名之时。

The Eleventh Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

The Thirteenth Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

The Fifteenth Anatomical Table of the Muscles ... of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

The Third Anatomical Table of the Skeleton of the Horseby George Stubbs, Royal Academy of Arts, UK (source: royalacademy.org.uk)

在完成这些解剖作品后,GEORGE STUBBS更希望集结成书谋求出版,以帮助后世画家对马匹的了解,可惜在当时来说这样的想法过于疯狂,自己因为囊中羞涩无法如愿的同时,亦没有金主愿意施以援手,但他并没有因此而放弃,在经过不断努力并于画作完成约八年后的 1766 年,他的这本"The anatomy of the Horse"最终得以问世。

我们在 GEORGE STUBBS的身上可以看到,要成就一位真正的大师,除了过人的天赋外,背后超乎常人的努力与坚持也是重要关键所在,现在总归明白为何他笔下的马匹是如此的传神、如此的准确了。


GEORGE STUBBS的画值多少钱?他的一幅"Gimcrack on Newmarket Heath, with a Trainer, a Stable-lad, and a Jockey"(96.5 x 186.5cm)于 2011 年以 2,240 万英镑在拍卖会上成交,成为该画家成交价最高的一幅作品。

Gimcrack on Newmarket Heath, with a Trainer, a Stable-lad, and a Jockeyby George Stubbs, Public Domian (commons.wikimedia.org)

而在 2016 年,一幅唤作"Two Hacks"(54.6 x 73.7cm)的作品,原收藏者美国加州 Huntington Library 以为是临摹作品,以 21.5 万美元在拍卖会上把真迹出售,据说眼光独到的买家后来对该画的定价高达 75 万英镑,成为收藏界的一时佳话。

Two Hacksby George Stubbs, The Parker Gallery (source theparkergallery.com)

由于本身对马匹的钟爱,GEORGE STUBBS成为了笔者最喜欢的画家之一,希望透过这篇文章对他的简单介绍与作品展示,你也会喜欢上他,不少画作的真迹目前被美国的 Yale Center for British Art 以及英国的 Royal Acadeny of Arts、The National Gallery、National Maritime Museum、National Museums Liverpool 与 Tate Gallery 等地收藏,英国皇室亦拥有其十六幅画作之多,如果日后有机会不妨去看一看真迹,那种震撼感是在这里看小图无法比拟的。

