英语中也有“四字成语”! Teach fish to swim意思你绝对想不到!
A man of good character will not fish in troubled water. 一个高尚的人是不会浑水摸鱼的
Never offer toteach fish to swim. 切勿班门弄斧。
His room is always at sixes and sevens 他的房间总是乱七八糟的
She is ill in bed so that we can’t go swimming. 我们不能去游泳因为她卧病在床。
Do you not think we d be easy meat for him? 你没想过我们会变成他的囊中之物吗?
I always felt as if I had to walk on eggshells around him so that I wouldn t hurt his feelings. 为了不让他伤心,我总是如履薄冰地待在他身边。
7. In a few words 三言两语
She made the other side cry in a few words. 她简单几句话就让对方哭了
If you still keep silent, I will take it for granted that you imply agreement. 如果你还保持沉默,我就当作你是暗示同意了。

The train is crowded with people going home. 火车上人满为患。
10. Be ignorant of sth. 一无所知
She appears to be ignorant of this fact. 她似乎不知道这件事实.
It is obvious that she don’t love him. 显而易见她不爱他。
I would be wild with joy if it was true. 如果这是真的,我会很欣喜若狂的。
She did not hesitate to join the volunteer organization. 她毫不犹豫地参加了志愿者组织。
He s been singing the praises of you. 他对你赞赏有加。
Whether the new policy will do us harm or good remains to be seen. 新政策是否有利于我们还得拭目以待。
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