惠州市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (40)

19.8 C- If rework requires specific subsequent stages to be completed as detailed in the procedure, is there evidence that this is being performed?YES/NO/NA

19.9 C- Are parts removed during rework prevented from being reused unless authorized in accordance with the procedure?YES/NO

19.10 C- When performing a rework, is there evidence that rework procedure is followed?YES/NO

19.11 C- When performing a rework, is there evidence that rework procedure is followed?YES/NO

19.11.1 C- Who performed the rework?YES/NO.

19.11.2 C- Reverification of product following rework?YES/NO

19.11.3 C- Description of rework performed?YES/NO

19.11.4 C- Location of rework?YES/NO

19.11.5 C- Number of reworks per location if required?YES/NO

19.12 C- Has the maximum number of permitted reworks as allowed by the procedure not been exceeded?YES/NO/NA

19.13 C- If customer specific instructions / approvals are required, are the instructions being followed and/or are approvals being obtained as per the procedure?YES/NO/NA

19.14 C- Is rework being recorded, including solder joint touch ups? YES/NO

19.15 C- Is the rework performed being defined and authorized in accordance with the procedure and by the approved personnel?YES/NO

19.16 C- Is there evidence that personnel performing rework are trained and approved?YES/NO

