

Street Typologies


Central Business Loop


Commercial Street


Bio-Filtration Boulevard




Underground Plan


We propose an internal loop metro line along the central business loop that connects with other key lines at strategic locations and allow people to freely move around the 360 city. People should be able to arrive at their 360 city destination from anywhere in Shen?zhen with only one subway transfer. A 400m subway station radius of service covers 70% of the project areas. Supplemental surface trams lines connect with metro stops and offer a smaller scale transportation option for shorter journeys. The bus network from greater Shenzhen will also provide service within the region. All means of public transportation systems complement each other and achieve convenient transfer.


Water Transportation


The great bay and waterways throughout the site create a unique oppor?tunity to develop a comprehensive water transportation system. Water shuttle busses and rapid taxis allow cross-bay movement while providing enchanting experiences of the bay and city. External lines connect various destinations in S. Asia (Macau, HK, Bankok, Taipei) via a great port terminal/transportation hub at the mouth of the bay. The port terminal includes customs house, shopping zone and spectacular 5 star hotel with inside view of Panorama Bay. A water lock inside the port terminal allows plea?sure craft to freely move between the sweet water bay to the sea.


Cycling and walking

本案路网周密,街区尺度适合步行和自行车,给步行者和骑车者更多道路空间和安全感, 提供连接城市与海边的更好连接通道 ,我们不仅将之视为健康有效的交通方式,更可愉悦地体验都市空间,特别是沿湖漫游路径的设置,更将这一目标推向极致。

With the dense road network and the appropriate scaled block size across the city ensure an enjoyable experience for pedestrians and cyclists. More safety and space on the road for pedestrians and cyclers. Better connection for pedestrian and cyclers from the city to the seaside .It is deemed not only as a healthy effective transportation mode, but also more of a pleasant means to experience the variety urban spaces. A continuous lakeside promenade allows for continuous public movement enjoyment around the bay through a sequence of unique urban waterways, parks and urban program.

360 °城市—人类不可多得的城市 



当今,肩负世界最大城市化问题的城市规划者们,看起来却以似乎错误之至的方向上来看待城市灾难。我们有幸从先辈中那些伟大的规划者的传统中究竟学到了什么? 人类对于未来的责任又是怎样?中华人民共和国内的新城市具有可持续性吗?它们具有可居住性并且它们之所以可爱的最为重要的原因又是什么? 


360 CITY - FEWS for people city

The world of today gets urbanized. We are living in a time where most of the people live in cities and the rest of them love to move into cities as soon as possible. This trend is a result of the long term transformation of the agricul?ture and development of the cities.

If we look back, the past 100 years, we can clearly conclude that the XX cen?tury was probably the most innovative and inspiring time in the case of the vision of the city.

Nowadays the town planners with the world biggest urbanization issue seems to running the very wrong direction to watch the urban disaster. What have we learn from the heritage we luckily get from the greeters planners of the previous generations? And what about the human responsibility for the fu?ture? Are the new cities in the Peoples Republic of China sustainable? Are they livable and what matters the most are they lovable?

We believes that we have to and we can learn from the past.

Shenzhen in the Peoples Republic of China, one of the planet’s quickest growing cities, dreams of exploring the waters of the Qianhai Bay and is therefore in search for the most perfect setting for a new urban creation: 360 CITY - FEWS for people city.




The densely populated Pearl River Delta leaves little space for green spaces and agriculture. The urban area depends on increasing amounts of fresh food and wa?ter brought in from outside. Shenzhen’s carbon footprint for food is high and will increase in the future. The 360° project is a smuggler. It brings agriculture back into the city as a warning signal. Where there is no green ultimately there will be no life.

Urban agriculture alone will not feed the entire city but it will certainly give an incen?tive to contribute to a better environment. For it is abundantly clear that production of food needs good soil, fresh air and clear water. Forward to basics. Food Energy Water Shelter for more.


