Read the textbook and fill out the college board framework outline. Do writing practice very often.
读教科书,把College board分的9个时间段都填进去。经常联系写作题(AP美史5分)
Focus more on why an event happened and what other events it caused than specific details. They focus a lot on the big picture.
Study a bit every week and don't lose your notes. Practice writing essays if you can and know what each party stood for in each time period.
Review everything. Don't think that something little won't be on the test because it will be.
Study everything. On my AP exam they mentioned WW II exactly once and had 10 questions on early spanish and french settlers.
READ THE TEXTBOOK. Make sure you are taking notes and reviewing along the way as it is a nightmare to try to cram study. Be able to identify important people, places, and events for every decade.
Take mock exams. Practice the essay formats. Review the year's content a few weeks before the exam.
Always go back and review each decade after you finish studying it.
Study little by little rather than saving it for all at the end.
If you are not good with history, obviously going to need to put work into this class. Be prepared to write, and with hard work it's doable.
Study feminism, immigration, Civil Rights, Slavery, Progressivism, and American Independence in depth, you are guaranteed to have a FRQ and/or Short Answer on it.
Most of the time, you won't need to read the provided exam passage before answering the question; read the questions before deciding whether or not you need the reading supplement.
Supply outside evidence for every category you make for your APUSH essays; you only need one, but you should want some "insurance" points!
Be sure to practice writing the responses well itll help, also dont leave studying to the last minute you need to really go over all the information.
Understand how to interpret FRQ questions and whether they're asking for CCOT, Causation, etc.
I would spend roughly 2-3 hours a night with my notes. I would read pretty indepth but every topic really stuck with me (it felt like I was learning and not memorizing).
要明白怎么解读长论文的题目,明确它们考的是Continuity and Change over time还是Causation等。
Honestly, the multiple choice was just common sense. It is useful to have a general idea of events in each period, and the timelines, so that you can easily rule out most of the choices. Take a couple of practice multiple choice test, and if you're hardcore like me, give yourself less time so that by the time you take the AP exam, you'll be efficient. For the free response, be as concise and simple as possible. Do a couple of DBQs and LEQs, until you feel that you're capable of creating a coherent idea in a short amount of time.
Do a lot of practice questions/tests those are helpful.
Don't procrastinate learning the material; know how time periods connect with each other.
Like the other history APs, success on the APUSH exam is 50% memorization and mastery of the content and 50% understanding the rubrics and scoring criteria. As far as practice goes, I did several SAQs, DBQs, and LEQs in class and used AMSCO and secure exams for the multiple choice. Overall, it's not too bad if you start early.
和其他的AP历史课一样,AP美国史要考高分,50%你要熟记史实,50%是要明确论文的改分标准。我练习了几次SAQ, DBQ, LEQ,并用了AMSCO和过去真题来练习选择题。总的来说,如果你开始学习得早,并不会很难(5分)
Do practice short answers/DBQs/LEQs, one of the practice questions I did was literally in the same style as one of the short answers.
Study, pay attention to the course material, focus a lot on economic and social changes, less on the military periods. Try to enjoy yourself, and find interesting points in US history.
Again, your class may require you to take detailed notes. The exam itself won't be too detailed however, so remember the key details. Learn how to write SAQs and Essays.
Start practicing writing thesis statements and short answers VERY early on. Also, for the test, focusing on the DBQ and spending more time on that while only starting an introductory paragraph and counterargument for the LEQ can help you get a stronger score. The DBQ weighs more in score than the LEQ and often, it's just a matter of cramming in as many documents as possible.
Concentrate on general themes of each of the 9 eras, in terms of mainly political timelines. Don't forget to focus in each era on how the U.S's role in the world changed and how it's economy transformed to suit the world market. Focus on era themes and connect specific ideas to certain people or groups.
Memorize the general trends and events of each time period (and apply that knowledge to stuff you don't know) and you are guaranteed a 4+
4.相比SAT2,AP考得更多是big picture——也就是你对整个历史的宏观掌握,而比较少考你具体的细节(比如具体的年月日)。所以更重要的是掌握每个时间段的大的主题、变化、能把不同的ideas给串联起来,但同时也要确保能记住关键事情,以及能把它们和具体的人联系起来。
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