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Association between Intrapartum Magnesium Administration and the Incidence of Maternal Fever: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study
方 法
结 果
58541名产妇符合纳入标准,5924(10.1%)名产妇发生了分娩期发热。初产妇、椎管内镇痛和剖腹产产妇更可能发生分娩期发热。镁应用产妇(6.0%)发热发生率低于那些未应用的(10.2%)。多变量逻辑回归分析,镁暴露的产妇发热可能性更低(调整比值比= 0.42 [95%CI,0.31〜0.58])。倾向匹配(N = 959 /组)后,镁治疗产妇发热的比值比较低(比值比= 0.68 [95%CI,0.48〜0.98])。
结 论
Lange EMS, Segal S, Pancaro C, et al. Association between Intrapartum Magnesium Administration and the Incidence of Maternal Fever: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study[J]. Anesthesiology, 2017, doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000001872. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND:Intrapartum maternal fever is associated with several adverse neonatal outcomes. Intrapartum fever can be infectious or inflammatory in etiology. Increases in interleukin 6 and other inflammatory markers are associated with maternal fever. Magnesium has been shown to attenuate interleukin 6-mediated fever in animal models. We hypothesized that parturients exposed to intrapartum magnesium would have a lower incidence of fever than nonexposed parturients.
METHODS:In this study, electronic medical record data from all deliveries at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Chicago, Illinois) between 2007 and 2014 were evaluated. The primary outcome was intrapartum fever (temperature at or higher than 38.0°C). Factors associated with the development of maternal fever were evaluated using a multivariable logistic regression model. Propensity score matching was used to reduce potential bias from nonrandom selection of magnesium administration.
RESULTS:Of the 58,541 women who met inclusion criteria, 5,924 (10.1%) developed intrapartum fever. Febrile parturients were more likely to be nulliparous, have used neuraxial analgesia, and have been delivered via cesarean section. The incidence of fever was lower in women exposed to magnesium (6.0%) than those who were not (10.2%). In multivariable logistic regression, women exposed to magnesium were less likely to develop a fever (adjusted odds ratio = 0.42 [95% CI, 0.31 to 0.58]). After propensity matching (N = 959 per group), the odds ratio of developing fever was lower in women who received magnesium therapy (odds ratio = 0.68 [95% CI, 0.48 to 0.98]).
CONCLUSIONS:Magnesium may play a protective role against the development of intrapartum fever. Future work should further explore the association between magnesium dosing and the incidence of maternal fever.
