厂房改造CAL建筑事务所 / CAL Architects
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Appreciation towards CAL Architects for providing the following description:
This is a simple building with a five-year tenancy term. With so many unfavorable conditions—a limited budget, no historic value of the factory, an old wall that cannot be dismantled—how can a unique office space be created? We considered the key issues of how to balance the setting and the relationship between old and new.
▼办公室南门,the south entrance

It is easy for designers to envision a project with a limitless budget or desirable location, but it is difficult to combine materials and environment to convey transcendental characteristics in a particular space under various restrictive conditions.
▼一层全景,panorama view of the first floor

We understand the close relationship between architecture and the environment. It is essential to express the life of the structure with natural materials, like imprinting time onto the building, it changed every second, giving it character, and letting it mellow over time. We will create a work that surpasses the limit of time.
▼一层入口大厅,the entrance lobby

▼采用自然的材质代表时间的变化,use natural materials to speak about the time

The space lends itself to the creation of an experiential synesthesia. The creative use of primitive materials, including recycled metal, concrete, plastics, and inexpensive wood, is coupled with unlimited sunlight and ventilation. These elements come together to create an incredible sense of power, adding an artistic, yet humble, atmosphere to the architecture with a touch of poetry.
▼位于一层的鱼池, the fishpond on the first floor

▼带来自然气息,bringing in the natural sense

CAL作为从事创造性行业的一员,必然需要创造性的环境和不拘一格的空间才能迸发灵感。该空间不但体现它行业的特性,还充分表达了其办公室文化和自身审美价值。丰富的空间感受和人性化的体验,既有一定的领域感和私密性又与大空间相得益彰, 让每一个人各得其职,又能放松自我。
A good design should have its own vitality, rather than be attached to a good story. Every detail of this space seems disparate, but each one is related to the environment. They all belong to the structure that naturally emerges from the environment, creating the characteristics of this space.
▼一二层的良好对视,view connection of the first and second floor

▼充满创造性的办公空间,the creative working space on the second floor

▼俯瞰首层工作区,top view of the working space on the first floor

▼北侧内部,interior view of the north space

▼仰望二楼,look up to the second floor

1. 一个纯粹无封闭的非典型空间,没有机械又生硬的划分,除了卫生间,其他空间都是半封闭或开放的。
2. 在广州这个常年湿热的气候中,该建筑却没有一扇可开的窗,照样具备自然通风功能,常年光线充足。且在不开空调的情况下,夏天室内温度可比室外低至少3度。
3. 墙体更多的采用混凝土材料,不仅抗热,在每年广州梅雨潮湿天气,还能够自然的吸收水气。
4. 营造诗意的氛围。这一点更多的是通过空间营造不同的体验感,让它超越形式和材料之上。(二维平面通常很难更好的传达该空间真正的氛围,正如雕塑艺术品一般需要用不同的维度去触摸和感受它)
5. 可移动空间,书柜是带滚轮可推式的。可根据需求随时变换空间,围合书吧、会议室、展厅等。
Spatial Features:
1. A purely non-enclosed, atypical space without rigid division (except for the bathroom).
2. Due to the perpetually hot and humid climate of Guangzhou, the building does not have windows that open, but does feature a natural ventilation function with sufficient natural lighting. During the summer the indoor temperature can be at least three degrees lower than the outdoor temperature.
3. Using concrete materials can keep temperatures cooler and absorb moisture during the rainy season.
4. The bookcase is on rollers, allowing for movable space. It can be changed into an enclosed reading space, conference room, exhibition hall, and so on, in accordance with requirements.
▼结构分析,structure and analysis

▼自然通风示意图,the graphic of natural ventilation

▼一层平面图,the first floor plan

▼二层平面图,the second floor plan



建筑师:CAL Architects
联系邮箱: sun@calarch.com
完成年份: 2015
建筑面积: 300 m2
地址:中国 广州 天河区 红专厂 B区
主案建筑师:潘泓彰( Pan Hongzhang)
造价: 1200 元/m2
Architect: CAL Architects
Contact Email: sun@calarch.com
Completion Year: 2015
Built Area: 300 m2
Address: B5, Redtory, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Photographer: Yuan dao、Pan Hongzhang
Lead Architect:Pan Hongzhang
Cost: 1200 Yuan/m2
Main material: Finnish pine wood table: Brand – GENG SUANTANG, Recycled metal materials, Concrete
More: CAL Architects,更多请至:CAL Architects on gooood