
Steven E. Moss Kathleen H. Gruben Janet Moss
An empirical test of the Olympic tourism legacy
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism , Leisure and Events
International tourism legacies are a key justification for hosting the Olympics. Although strong theoretical arguments have been made to support the tourism legacy, empirically measuring the effect has been problematic. Strong arguments for enhancing the legacy effect through the proper leveraging of the Olympics by means such as positive media coverage exist. This research empirically tests for the legacy effect and whether leveraging the Olympics by exposing potential tourists to more media enhances the legacy effect. The data used in this research are monthly international air passenger arrivals for nine Olympic host cities. A time series methodology that controls for problems noted in prior studies such as pre-existing trends, external events, seasonality, and crowding out is incorporated. The results show little evidence to support the legacy effect in the short run.
Nikolaos Boukas Vassilios Ziakas Georgios Boustras
Olympic legacy and cultural tourism: exploring the facets of Athens’ Olympic heritage
International Journal of Heritage Studies
This study examines the effects of the Olympic Games on Athens’ cultural tourism and the city’s potential to leverage the Olympic legacy in synergy with its rich heritage in order to enhance its tourism product during the post-Games period. In doing so, a qualitative and interpretive approach was employed. This includes a literature review on Athens’ 2004 Olympics to identify the sport facilities and regeneration projects, which constitute the Olympic legacy and heritage. Based on that, an empirical analysis was undertaken, by collecting official documents about the 2004 Olympics, and conducting five semi-structured interviews with tourism/administrative officials. The findings indicate that the Olympiad contributed significantly to Athens’ built and human heritage, revealing the dimensions of new venues/facilities, infrastructure, transportation and aesthetic image of the city, and human capital enhancement. Hence, the Games affected to the multifaceted representation and reconstruction of the city’s identity and cultural heritage. However, the potential afforded from the post-Olympic Athens remains unrealised due to lack of strategic planning/management. The study concludes that there is a need to develop cross-leveraging synergies between the Olympic legacy and cultural tourism for the host city. Finally, a strategic planning framework for leveraging post-Games Olympic tourism is suggested in order to maximise the benefits of Olympic legacy and heritage in a host city’s tourism development.
Stacy-Lynn Sant Daniel S. Mason Tom D.Hinch
Conceptualising Olympic tourism legacy: destination marketing organisations and Vancouver 2010
Journal of Sport & Tourism
Hosting an Olympic Games is expected to generate tourism legacies for the host city, region, and country well beyond the event. Since a host city's tourism industry plays an important role in delivering wider economic benefits to the city and region, tourism legacies feature prominently in proponents' attempts to legitimise the public expenditure required to bid for and host an Olympic Games. Despite inconsistencies in conceptualisations of the Olympic legacy in both academic literature and industry practice, destination marketers continue to be charged with formulating strategies to leverage an Olympic Games for tourism benefits. A qualitative and interpretive case study approach was used to examine how destination marketers in Vancouver, as well as those at the provincial and federal levels of government, conceptualised the Olympic tourism legacy. Results show that destination marketers' conceptualisations of legacy vary depending on their mandates as well as the needs and aspirations of their destination. The study also highlights the importance of a collaborative approach in developing leveraging strategies for a host city, region, and country

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