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Pathological anatomy
Based largely on the work of Palmer (1948) and Essex-Lopresti (1952), it has been customary to divide calcaneal fractures into extra-articular fractures (those involving the various calcaneal processes or the body posterior to the talocalcaneal joint) and intraarticular fractures (those that split the talocalcaneal articular facet).
These account for 25 per cent of calcaneal injuries. They usually follow fairly simple patterns, with shearing or avulsion of the anterior process, the sustentaculum tali, the tuberosity or the inferomedial process. Fractures of the posterior (extra-articular) part of the body are caused by compression. Extra-articular fractures are usually easy to manage and have a good prognosis.

These injuries are much more complex and unpredictable in their outcome. They are best understood by imagining the impact of the talus cleaving the bone from above to produce a primary fracture line that runs obliquely across the posterior articular facet and the body from posteromedial to anterolateral. Where it splits, the posterior articular facet depends upon the position of the foot at impact: if the heel is in valgus (abducted), the fracture is in the lateral part of the facet; if the heel is in varus (adducted), the fracture is more medial.
The upward displacement of the body of the calcaneum produces one of the classic x-ray signs of a 'depressed’ fracture: flattening of the angle subtended by the posterior articular surface and the upper surface of the body posterior to the joint (Böhler’s angle).
The advent of CT, and the trend towards operative reduction and fixation of displaced calcaneal fractures, have sharpened our understanding of these complex injuries. There are two important ways of assessing or classifying these injuries that are of relevance to the treating surgeon (and the patient). The work of Sanders and Gregory (1995) has helped to define the intra-articular fracture pattern and the associated outcome and prognosis. Knowledge of the variations in fracture pattern, particularly in relation to the lateral wall of the calcaneum (Eastwood et al., 1993) has improved our understanding of the anatomy that is likely to be encountered at operation, approaching from an extended L-shaped incision; the lateral joint fragment may sometimes be trapped within the body of the calcaneum and can only be reduced if the lateral wall of the body is osteotomized so as to gain access to it (Eastwood et al., 1993).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
talocalcaneal joint距跟关节
sustentaculum tali,载距突
inferomedial process下内侧突
sharpened our understanding of these complex injuries加深了我们对这些复杂损伤的理解
小腿骨体的上移产生了 "凹陷性 "骨折的典型X线征象之一:后关节面和关节后的骨体上表面所对的角度变平(Böhler角)。