Astronomy Picture of the Day——N11:大麦哲伦星系内的星云

N11: Star Clouds of the LMC

Image Credit: NASA, ESA; Acknowledgement:Josh Lake

Explanation: Massive stars, abrasive winds,mountains of dust, and energetic light sculpt one of the largest and mostpicturesque regions of star formation in the Local Group of Galaxies. Known asN11, the region is visible on the upper right of many images of its homegalaxy, the Milky Way neighbor known as the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC). Thefeatured image was taken for scientific purposes by the Hubble Space Telescopeand reprocessed for artistry by an amateur to win a Hubble's Hidden Treasurescompetition. Although the section imaged above is known as NGC 1763, the entireN11 emission nebula is second in LMC size only to the Tarantula Nebula. Compactglobules of dark dust housing emerging young stars are also visible around theimage. A new study of variable stars in the LMC with Hubble has helped torecalibrate the distance scale of the observable universe, but resulted in aslightly different scale than found using the pervasive cosmic microwavebackground.


大质量恒星、高侵蚀性恒星风、大量的尘埃和高能星光雕刻出本星系群中最庞大、最别致的恒星形成区之一。这个在图像右上方被称为N11的可见区域,在其母星系的许多图像中出现,它所在的大麦哲伦星系(LMC)是我们银河系的近邻。这幅特征照片是为了进行科学研究,由哈勃望远镜拍摄拼接而成,随后又由业余天文爱好者重新处理过,后者藉由此张照片获得哈勃宝藏挑战赛的奖项。照片中的区域被称为NGC 1763,但在LMC中,整个N11的星云大小仅次于蜘蛛星云。该照片周围还可见由暗尘构成的致密球状体,这些暗尘内正在形成年轻的恒星。利用哈勃对LMC中的变星进行的一项最新研究有助于重新校准可观测宇宙的距离尺度,但结果与在普遍宇宙微波背景下估算的尺度略有不同。



Astronomy Picture of the Day——横跨南冕座

Astronomy Picture of the Day——从南十字星到海山二星

Astronomy Picture of the Day——横跨礁湖星云的泛星计划

