雅思口语 用7分短语替代5分词汇

1 check out a new movie 看一部新电影   替代watch a new movie

2 run into sb. 偶遇某人  替代meet sb.

3 to be run down精疲力尽  替代 be tired

e.g. I've been studying too hard!I’m really run down. 我一直在努力学习,实在是精疲力尽了。

4 get around 去很多地方   替代go to many places

e.g. I normally get around by bus. 我通常坐公交车出行。

5 cram up on 临时抱佛脚   替代 study intensely for a short period of time

e.g. I have a test on Friday, so I have to cram up on statistics. 周五有个考试,我不得不恶补一下统计学。

6 get across my meaning 解释   替代cause to be understood

e.g. I tried to explain it but I couldn't get across my meaning.我试着给他解释,但我解释不清楚。

