雅思口语| Part1话题: Farming

own a farm 拥有自己的农场

live out in the country 出去住在农村

grow my own food 种自己的食物

I always wanted to own a farm, live out in the country, grow my own food!


don’t know the first thing about farming 对农场的事一窍不通

This is very beautiful. Though I have to confess, I don’t know the first thing about farming!这里确实很漂亮。尽管我不得不坦诚告诉你,我对农场的事一窍不通。

a goat 一头山羊

Relax, it was just a goat!放轻松,那只是一头山羊!

cow 奶牛

graze/ɡreɪz/ 牛羊等吃草v.

milk them  给它们挤奶
It’s just the cows that are grazing over there. We can milk them later.那只是一些奶牛在吃草。待会儿我们可以给奶牛挤奶。
a sheep 一头绵羊
It’s just a sheep. Relax!那是一头绵羊,不要大惊小怪!
donkey 毛驴
stable 马厩
Relax, that was just the horses and donkeys that are in the stable .
hack it 处理,对付
go back to the city 回城
You know what? I don’t think I can hack it here out in the countryside. I’m going back to the city!你知道吗?我认为在农村我无法经营好农场,我还是回城吧。
