捷报 | 布鲁盟设计入围2020 A&D Awards!

近日,备受行业关注的2020 A&D Awards入围榜单重磅公布。布鲁盟设计凭借作品「爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院」从众多作品脱颖而出,成功入围Best Temporary Structure类别的荣耀榜单,最终角逐金、银、铜奖!

A&D Awards成立已有17年的历史,是建筑和室内设计领域的行业标杆,也是业内最负盛名的奖项之一。2020年A&D大奖将A&D Trophy大奖和A&D 建+设大奖合并,调整和新增了参赛类别,以更好地反映行业需求。该奖项为建筑师和设计师们提供了展示佳作的首选平台,为其在大中华区拓展业务助力。

据悉,2020 A&D Awards高手如云,竞争极其激烈,采取严谨的双重评审原则,仅有96个项目入围,室内设计类别仅占59席。作品入围可谓是对设计作品创意水准和专业实力的高度认可。



- Best Temporary Structure 入围 -

【 爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院 】







Developed by Chungsui Group with a total investment of 8 billion yuan, Yingcheng National Mining Park is created to be a new ecotourism town composed of Gypsum Cultural Square, Museum, Four seasons Hot Spring Resort, Southeast Asian Garden, etc. The sales and exhibition center is designed by the well-known design organization, Bluemoon Design.



During the early research, the designer Bangbang discovered a perfect material: the gypsolyte. This geological structure is widely distributed in the Jianghan Plain, but few people know it. As the crystallization of hundreds of millions of years of water evaporation, the bright white surface of the gypsolyte is full of marks of water and time.

遭受海水蚀空的岩石、树根、树皮鳞片、风化的骨骼,在这里一一出现。设计师希望这些细节能提供另一种“时间与记忆的通道” —— 将水、岩、光、色当做介质,改变进入者对时间和心理节奏的感知与需求。


Presented in this project are sea-eroded rocks, tree roots and barks, and weathered skeletons. The designer hopes to take advantage of these details to provide a time and memory channel that back to the past. Using water, rocks, light, and colors as medium, it changes visitors' perception and demand of time and psychological rhythm.



The image of the gypsolyte is well interpreted in the space. The point light of pottery display wall in the south hall contrasts with Morandi-style potteries, and the rough surface simulates the erosion corrosion. While the north hall is decorated with barnacle-shaped and handmade stoneware, and the trace time left behind can be easily found everywhere you look. The animal skulls that have been weathered into rocky color and lustre further enrich the feeling of away from the madding crowd.

柔软和长久,常伴长生,凡水流之处,必留下痕迹。设计师试图用具象化的空间装饰,探索抽象而哲学化的概念 —— 轻盈流淌、瞬息万变的水的另一重面相:侵蚀,并将时间保存下来。


Softness is often accompanied by longevity. Where there is the flow of water, there will be traces. The designer tries to utilize figurative space decorations to explore the abstract and philosophical concepts, another aspect of the light-flowing and ever-changing characteristics of water, which is the erosion and preservation of time.



The seats under white streamlined decorations look as if the caves formed by long-term flowing water. With the driftwood-style tables and chairs, cushions and chandeliers, these seats are changed into the mazes that are soft, safe and can surround people.



Space design is not only to present a kind of style or art, but to highlight the beauty of life and bring the sense of belonging. From the color, shape, to flow dynamics, rocks, water and related details, the design secretly engraves another set of time rates into the psychology of visitors, harmonizing the atmosphere and resonating with the imagination and memories of visitors.



For Bluemoon Design, the design with real vitality begins with the rhythm of space design, and ends with the perception and cognition; it comes from the adaption to the changes of scenes, and attributes to the adjustment of psychological time; it is not only about life attitude, but also the exploration of emotion and memory.



'I hope time can slow down and seek for some ideal humanity from tradition and nature in the era that put much emphasis on the efficiency. Based on local culture, we try to interpret them in a new manner with carefully selected materials', said Bangbang, the founder of Bluemoon Design.



By using imaginative art forms, with simple but elaborate skills, Bluemoon Design hopes to present the scene of original simplicity and creates a harmonious space that dialogues with nature, so as to offer a real 'slow journey'.

项目名称 |  爱漫文旅小镇隐庐别院

项目地址 |  中国湖北省应城市国际矿山公园

项目面积 |  584㎡

开发商名 |  湖北爱漫文化旅游发展有限公司

硬装设计 |  布鲁盟设计

软装设计 |  布鲁盟设计

项目摄影 |  感光映画、严丽霞



邦邦 Kelly Lin



_ Works _





武汉华侨城·原岸 美学生活馆





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