

3分钟学雅思  |  栏目推送说明






3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第42期


《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第42期 点击观看

Describe an experience when you played an indoor game with others.

You should say:

What you played

Who you played it with

Why you played it

And how you felt about it.


I would like to describe an indoor game that I have played together with my friends on Halloween. It was a haunted house game, which is the best kind of game for this occasion. Although the haunted house was decorated with many Halloween symbols for entertainment, it was still thrilling. As we entered the dark house, shadows seemed to whirl around our feet. We were all in a panic, so we started to fumble for a light switch. We jumped up and down frantically, but the room remained immersed in darkness.

Fortunately, we felt not only the fearful atmosphere, but also a mysterious color in it, like what happened in Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. People dressed up in costumes to imitate ghosts or vampires in the house. There are also some graves of dead people there with candles placed on it. We knew they were fake, but it was too real! It would be one of the most memorable Halloween games I’d ever played.


1. haunted house 鬼屋

2. thrilling adj. 惊险的,刺激的

3. whirl around 打转

4. fumble for 胡摸乱找,摸着找(东西)

5. frantically adv. 手忙脚乱地


