惊绝:克里斯蒂安·维格纳(Christian Verginer)雕塑艺术,以最出乎意料的方式将人物和事物融合在一起!

克里斯蒂安·维格纳(Christian Verginer)的雕塑艺术作品以最出乎意料的方式将人物和事物融合在一起,在这些领域中,人们发现合理而自由的联系而不是理性的联系。  
Christian verginer's works combine people and things in the most unexpected way. In these fields, people find reasonable and free connection rather than rational connection.
The artist does not want to create the fleeting expression of face or body movement. What he pursues is the essence and the most important is the plastic study of forms, which are both accurate and anatomically perfect. These forms are dominant in any psychoanalysis. The eyes of his works, the most hidden window of psychological state, are mostly closed and absorbed by the inner silence.
