
  • http://open.163.com/newview/movie/free?pid=MAIP2RGKU&mid=MAIPHV5TH
  • http://mov.bn.netease.com/open-movie/nos/mp4/2015/03/02/SAIPHTTMD_shd.mp4
  • 课程简介:免费加入网易公开课英文爱好者交流群,海量学习资料等你来拿,添加小助手微信号( zxk1open)即可入群!莫干娜·百利在过去16年中一直隐瞒着真实的自己. 在这次勇敢的演讲中, 她终于说出了对他人而言可能不足挂齿, 却足以让她昏厥的一句话. 为什么要站出来? 因为她发现自己的沉默对于自己内心, 职业生涯以及社交都有着深远的影响. 在她的听众, 也是同事面前, 她回忆了自己害怕被他人评判的经历, 以及如何开始认可自己的评判.(翻译:Tingting Zhao,审译:Psycho Decoder)
2019-03-22 13:09
Hidding is a progressive habit and once you start hidding,it becomes harder and harder to step forward and speak out!that's ture for many people,most of us may choose to hid a certain aspects ,because we afraid that once we present our turly thoughts,we will be regarded as odd.huaman being has a charater of socialize,we want to be accepted by others rather than isolated.That's why most of people choose to hid themselves.Howeever such habit may cause some problems,the people who always hid themselve are more likely to get depression ,what's worse it can reduce their life span.Taking courage to be yourself ,although it's hard,once you try you will set free.
