

A 57-year-old man presents with left nippledischarge and a palpable left breast mass.


1.1   Whatshould be the first step in imaging?

A、A screeningmammogram


C、A diagnosticmammogram

D、A ductogram

2.1   Adiagnostic mammogram is performed (spot compression views are not shown). Whatis the next best step?  

A、A ductogram


C、Surgical referral

D、Breast MR imaging

3.1   Whichof the following are correct? (Check all that apply and click the Submitbutton.)   

A、The left breastmass contains both cystic and solid elements.

B、  The left breast mass requires biopsy.

C、 Gynecomastia is the most common breastpathology in men.

D、 Breast lobule development is common in men.

4.1   Whichof the following is in the differential diagnosis if this lesion? (Check allthat apply and click the Submit button.)     

A、 Gynecomastia

B、  A fibroadenoma

C、 An invasive ductal carcinoma

D、 An intraductal papilloma

E、  A sebaceous cyst/epidermal inclusion cyst

F、  A subareolar abscess

5.1   Whatis the appropriate management after pathology shows an atypical papillarylesion? (Check all that apply and click the Submit button.)   

A、 A yearly mammogram

B、  Clinical follow-up

C、 Surgical excision

D、 Breast MRI

E、  Repeat core biopsy for additional tissue

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