Amazon Global Standard Work Tenets 亚马逊全球标准化守则(I )
在前文《Amazon Global Standard Work 亚马逊全球标准化》提到,2012 年6月亚马逊中国在FC 启动了 “Global Standard Work 亚马逊全球标准化”的项目。

Tenet1: Standard Work is safer, reduces defects, lowers cost, and enables invention.
a) Whatare some examples of how Standard Work makes our area safer?
1. Safelifting standards.
2. Respectfor 5S.
3. PITand pedestrian visual markings.
a) 能给出一些标准作业如何使我们的工作区域更安全的例子么?
1. 安全提升标准
2. 遵守5S
3. 电动地牛通道和人行道的可视化标识
b) Howdoes Standard Work help us reduce defects for our downstream customer?
1. Weall have the same definition of what quality is at our workstation and the samemethod of achieving that quality.
2. Andonshelps us immediately identify and sideline defects when they are detected.
3. Rapidfeedback helps each of us to know how we are performing to the quality standardso we can improve.
b) 标准作业是如何帮助我们减少对下游客户产生的缺陷?
1. 我们对工作站的质量要求都有相同的定义,并且对于达到质量要求有相同的方法
2. 当不良品被发现,安灯帮助我们立即将它们进行分辨并区分出来
3. 快速反馈帮助我们每个人知道我们正在怎样执行质量标准,从而可以进行改善
c) Howdoes Standard Work help us lower costs for our customer?
1. It’sthe simplest and most efficient way to produce high quality work.
2. Itreflects the best thinking of our team in removing waste and variation in theprocess.
c) 标准作业如何帮助我们降低对客户的成本?
1. 它是产生高质量工作最简单和最有效的方法
2. 它反映出我们团队在消除浪费和流程差异方面最好的思想
d) Howdoes Standard Work enable invention?
1. Byperforming work the same way every time, it makes the areas where we haveproblems very clear. Once the problems are identified, we can engage associates(you) to help solve the problem.
d) 标准作业如何提供创造
1. 通过每次用同样方法开展工作,使我们有问题的区域非常明显。一旦问题被识别出来,我们能够参与到员工(你们)里来帮助解决问题。