【新刊速递】 第18期 | Security Studies Vol.28, No.5, 2019


《安全研究》收录出版创新性的学术稿件——无论是理论研究、实践经验分享还是两者兼而有之。安全研究包含广泛的议题,从核扩散、核威慑、军民关系、战略文化、种族冲突、流行病与国家安全、民主政治、外交决策到定性与多方法研究的发展。根据2018年的Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为1.706,在91种国际关系类期刊中排名第30(30/91)。







A Crude Bargain: Great Powers, Oil States, and Petro-Alignment


Not Whether, But When? Governments’ Use of Militias in War

3. 网络式合作:欧盟如何动员维和部队向海外部署力量?

Networked Cooperation: How the European Union Mobilizes Peacekeeping Forces to Project Power Abroad

4. 忠诚度的平衡:解释尼加拉瓜革命中的叛乱组织派系斗争

Balance of Loyalties: Explaining Rebel Factional Struggles in the Nicaraguan Revolution

5. 俄罗斯东正教与核指挥及控制:一个假设

Russian Orthodox Church and Nuclear Command and Control: A Hypothesis

6. 再论疯子理论:对强制性交涉中不同形式可感知疯狂影响的评估

Revisiting the Madman Theory: Evaluating the Impact of Different Forms of Perceived Madness in Coercive Bargaining




题目】A Crude Bargain: Great Powers, Oil States, and Petro-Alignment

作者】Inwook Kim,新加坡管理大学政治学副教授。


Petro-alignment, a quid pro quo arrangement whereby great powers offer security in exchange for oil states’ friendly oil policies, is a widely used and yet under theorized energy security strategy. One consequential aspect of this exchange is that great powers choose different levels of security commitment to keep oil producers friendly. With what criteria do great powers rank oil states? How dowe conceptualize different types of petro-alignments? What exactly do greatpowers and oil producers exchange under each petro-alignment type? I posit thata mix of market power and geostrategic location determines the strategic valueand vulnerability of individual client oil states, which then generates four corresponding types of petro-alignment-security guarantee, strategic alignment, strategic favor, and neglect. Two carefully selected case comparisons—Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 1970–91, and Azerbaijan and Ecuador in 1990–2013—show howgreat powers created, utilized, and maintained petro-alignments under theunique logic of oil markets and across varying geopolitical settings. Thefindings have important implications on great powers’ grand strategies, strategic behaviors of oil states, and the role of oil in international security.





【题目】Not Whether, But When? Governments’ Use of Militias in War

作者】Caitlin Ambrozik,乔治·华盛顿大学艾略特国际事务学院兼职教授。


Although government use of militias during civil conflict can ultimately undermine stateauthority, governments still use militias for battle field assistance. This paper examines the selectivity of government decisions to use militias by disaggregating civil conflict to the level of battle phases. Civil-conflict battles typically consist of four phases: preparation, clear, hold, and build. I argue that governments decide to use militias based on the strength of government security forces, operational advantages of militias, and the type of battlephase. Governments will limit the use of militias during key battle phases thatare likely to receive increased media attention unless a victory secured by government security forces is unlikely or militias hold an operational advantage. A comparative analysis of the offensive operations in Tikrit and Ramadi during Iraq’s war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) lends initial support to this theory.





【题目Networked Cooperation: How the EuropeanUnion Mobilizes Peacekeeping Forces to Project Power Abroad

作者】Marina E. Henke, 德国赫尔蒂行政学院和美国西北大学国际关系教授,研究重点为军事干预,维和行动以及欧洲安全与防卫政策。


How does the European Union (EU) recruit troops and police to serve in EU peacekeeping missions? This article suggests that pivotal EU member states and EU officials make strategic use of the socialand institutional networks within which they are embedded to bargain reluctant states into providing these forces. These networks offer information on deployment preferences, facilitate side-payments and issue-linkages, and provide for credible commitments. EU operations are consequently not necessarily dependent on intra-EU preference convergence—as is often suggested in the existing literature. Rather, EU force recruitment hinges on highly proactive EU actors, which use social and institutional ties to negotiate fellow states into serving in an EU missions.





【题目】Balance of Loyalties: Explaining RebelFactional Struggles in the Nicaraguan Revolution

作者】Eric S. Mosinger, 加拿大卡尔顿大学小罗伯特·奥登(Robert A. Oden Jr.)博士后研究员。


What explains the causes and outcomes ofrebel factional struggles? Existing explanations focus on exogenous andmaterial factors that disrupt rebel organizations’ internalprocesses. Yet rebel groups succumb to infighting and organizational splinterseven in the absence of external shocks. In this article I present an endogenousand social theory of rebel factional struggles, in which leadership disputesresult from a shifting balance of loyalties within a rebel organization. In mymodel, rival rebel leaders cultivate the loyalty of two types of networks,recruitment networks and operational networks, which serve as power bases toinitiate leadership struggles, launch coups, or split organizations. I build mytheory through a case study of Nicaragua’s Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), which splintered into three factions in 1975–76. Drawing on an original network dataset of FSLN commanders, Itrace how the organization’s network structure changed over time, spurringdisputes over rank-and-file fighters’loyaltiesthat tore the FSLN apart.





【题目】Russian Orthodox Church and Nuclear Command and Control: A Hypothesis

【作者】Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky,以色列赫兹利亚跨学科研究中心(IDC Herzliya)副教授。


The Russian Orthodox Church plays an immense role in current Russian national security policy. The intertwining ofthe church and the strategic community is nowhere more visible than in the nuclear-weapons complex, where the priesthood has penetrated all levels of command, been involved in operational activities, and positioned itself as a provider of meanings for, and guardian of, the state’s nuclear potential. The first work to highlight the phenomenon of the Russian church-nuclear nexus, this article focuses on the ecclesiastical impact on Russian nuclear command and control. The findings suggest that it is not inconceivable that the Russian military clergy—like the Soviet political officers and contrary to chaplains worldwide—might become future participants in decision making on matters of national security, and that de facto there might be two parallel chains of command authority emerging in Russia, with potential tensions between them. The article outlines the causes of this overlooked singularity and its implications for the theory and practice of international security.





题目】Revisiting the Madman Theory: Evaluating the Impact of Different Forms ofPerceived Madness in Coercive Bargaining

【作者】Roseanne W. McManus,宾夕法尼亚州立大学政治科学与国际事务系副教授。


This article reconsiders the theoretical logic behind the “Madman Theory”—the argument that it can be beneficial in coercive bargaining to be viewed as mad, or insane. I theorize about how we can best define perceived madness in a way that is relevant for analyzing coercive bargaining. I identify four types of perceived madness, broken down along two dimensions. The first dimension is whether a leader is perceived to (a) make rational calculations, but based on extreme preferences, or (b) actually deviate from rational consequence-based decision making. The second dimension is whether a leader’s madness is perceived to be (a) situational or (b)  dispositional. I argue that situational extreme preferences constitute the type of perceived madness that is most helpful in coercive bargaining. I illustrate my argument using case studies of Adolf Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, Saddam Hussein, and Muammar Gaddafi.




【新刊速递】第01期 | Review of International Studies  Vol.45, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第02期 | International Relations Vol.33, No.3, 2019

【新刊速递】第03期 | International Organization Vol.73, No.3, 2019

【新刊速递】第04期 | World Politics, Vol.71, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第05期 | European Journal of International Relations

【新刊速递】第06期 | Security Studies, Vol.28, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第07期|International Security, Vol 44, No. 2, 2019

【新刊速递】第08期| Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol.32,No.4

【新刊速递】第09期| International Relations of Asia-Pacific Vol.19,No.3

【新刊速递】第10期 | International Studies Review, Volume.21, No.3, 2019
【新刊速递】第11期|Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2019
【新刊速递】第12期 | International Affairs, Vol.95, No.6,2019
【新刊速递】第13期|Chinese Journal of International Politics, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第14期|Chinese Journal of International Politics, No.3, 2019

【新刊速递】 第15期 | International Organization, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第16期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第17期 | World Politics, Vol.72, No.1, 2020

