

1967 出生于桐乡

1989-1992 华东师范大学学习

2006 中国画院高研班学习,擅长山水花鸟

2008 移居加拿大温哥华,担任温哥华美术馆亚洲馆发展委员会中国副主席、YISHU艺术杂志理事


Summer XIA

1967 Born in Tongxiang

1989-1992 Studied in East China Normal University

2006 Studied in the advanced research class of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy and was good at landscape flowers and birds

2008 Moved to Vancouver, Canada and served as Chinese Vice Chairman of Asian Gallery Development Committee of Vancouver Art Museum, director of YISHU Art Magazine

Currently lives in Shanghai,Professional artist

自深深处  宣纸水墨  2021

From the Deep

Ink on paper


印记·涌动  宣纸水墨  2021

Impression · Billowing

Ink on paper


一隅  宣纸水墨  2021

A Corner

Ink on paper


2018年,以夏慧雯女士名字命名的Summer Xia艺术基金会正式成立,并由温哥华美术馆亚洲馆馆长郑胜天老师担任基金会荣誉主席,BC省艺术界著名华人教授、当代艺术家顾雄老师担任荣誉副主席。Summer Xia艺术基金会希望打造一个良好的中加艺术交流平台,吸纳优质艺术爱好者,并对接各类专业艺术家。它致力于为热爱艺术的会员及会员的孩子们提供专业的艺术指导及帮助,承办策划各类艺术展览。同时,基金会也与多家慈善机构进行长期的深度合作,持续通过公益事业来积极回报社会。

婆娑  宣纸水墨  2021


Ink on paper


池  宣纸水墨  2021


Ink on paper


Summer XIA's painting style is quietly elegant and free from vulgarity, many works are favored by domestic and foreign collectors.  After immigrating to Canada, she has been enthusiastic about local art culture and public welfare projects, and has co-organized several charity auctions of artworks in the Vancouver Art Museum.  During this period, she is committed to cultivating the appreciation and creativity of the younger generation, encouraging more ambitious people who love art to join the Development Committee, promoting the spread of Chinese traditional and contemporary art, and continuously contributing to the inheritance and innovation of art.
In 2018, the Summer Xia Art Foundation was officially established in the name of Ms. Summer XIA. Zheng Shengtian, director of The Vancouver Art Museum's Asian Museum, served as the honorary chairman of the Foundation, and Gu Xiong, a famous Chinese professor and contemporary artist in BC province, served as the honorary vice chairman.  Summer Xia Art Foundation hopes to build a good art exchange platform between China and Canada, attract high-quality art lovers and connect with various professional artists.  It is committed to providing professional art guidance and help to members who love art and their children, and to organizing and planning various art exhibitions.  At the same time, the Foundation also carries out long-term in-depth cooperation with a number of charitable organizations, and continues to actively repay the society through public welfare undertakings.

铿锵的诗  宣纸水墨  2021

Sonorous Poem

Ink on paper


日光的瞬息  宣纸水墨  2021

The Moment of Daylight

Ink on paper




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