【火腿快新闻】7.060 MHz | 厄瓜多尔地震应急频率请火腿留意避让(祈福✔)

Radio Amateurs Asked to Keep 7.060 MHz Clear for Ecuador Earthquake Emergency Traffic
厄瓜多尔地震应急频率7.060 MHz请火腿留意避让
In the wake of the April 16 earthquake in Ecuador, the Amateur Radio community is being asked to keep 7.060 MHz clear for “Cadena HC” emergency traffic. DXpeditions operating RTTY on 40 meters are requested to keep pileups below 7.060 MHz. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake has resulted in dozens of deaths and many more injuries.
4月16日厄瓜多尔地震后,业余无线电爱好者被要求避让“Cadena HC”应急救援频率7.060 MHz。DX远征通联在40米操作RTTY要求保持pileups低于7.060 MHz。(小贴士:当频率拥挤时,例如重大比赛或大量电台在频率上追逐稀有对象,这种情况叫做pileups)。本次7.8级地震已造成大量人员伤亡。
Most earthquake damage has occurred in the Guayaquil (HC2) and Portoviejo/Manta (HC4) areas of Ecuador. Well-known DXer Lilian de Ayala, HC4L, in Portoviejo — the capital of Manabi province — is safe, but some structures in Portoviejo and Manta suffered severe damage, with many victims reported to have been buried in the rubble of collapsed buildings and homes. Electrical power and commercial telecommunication systems have been either destroyed or knocked out in the affected area, and hams in the HC4 district have been operating by using mobile stations or battery power. Many roads have been rendered impassable because of earthquake rubble.
地震造成的灾害大部分发生在瓜亚基尔(HC2)和波托维耶霍 /曼塔(HC4)地区。在马纳比省波托维耶霍的著名的DX通联者 Lilian de Ayala,HC4L确认安全,但该地区的建筑物受损严重。据报道,许多受害者被埋在倒塌的建筑物和房屋的废墟中。在受影响的区域,电力和商业通信系统已经被严重损毁。火腿在HC4区已经开始使用电池供电的移动操作站进行对外联络。因为地震废墟掩埋,许多通往震区道路不通。
The Cadena HC emergency frequency is now active and running 24 hours per day on 7.060 LSB. Hams in Ecuador have been reported very busy coordinating search-and-rescue activities.
Cadena HC紧急频率现在已经开始使用,每天24小时在7.060 LSB工作。据报道,在厄瓜多尔的火腿目前非常忙碌在频率上协调搜救活动。
— Thanks to Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC1MD via The Daily DX