Adam Miller巴洛克和风格主义绘画






他于 1979 年出生于俄勒冈州,13 岁开始跟随艺术家 Allen Jones 做学徒,16 岁时被佛罗伦萨艺术学院录取,并在佛罗伦萨跟随 Michael John Angel 继续学习。在接下来的四年里,米勒周游欧洲,研究巴洛克和风格主义画家的作品。

他的作品受波特兰艺术博物馆董事会主席小罗伯特·潘普林 (Robert Pamplin Jr.)、迈克·泰森 (Mike Tyson) 和《美术鉴赏家》(Fine Art Connoisseur) 出版商埃里克·罗德 (Eric Rhodes) 委托。亚当米勒在评论中被描述为“现实主义的后起之秀”,据说他“在任何时代都会被认为是大师”。

Born in 1979 in Oregon, He began an apprenticeship to artist Allen Jones at thirteen years old and at Sixteen,

was accepted to the Florence Academy Of Art in Florence and continued his studies under Michael John Angel in Florence. For the next four years, Miller traveled throughout Europe studying the work of the Baroque and Mannerist painters.


His work has been commissioned by Robert Pamplin Jr., the Chairman of the Board of the Portland Art Museum, Mike Tyson, and Eric Rhodes, publisher of Fine Art Connoisseur.

Adam Miller has been described in reviews as a “rising star of realism” and it was said that he “would be considered a master in any era”.

