【新刊速递】第12期 | International Affairs, Vol.95, No.6,2019


《国际事务》是国际关系领域的一流学术期刊,也是多学科综合性学术期刊。本刊于1992年由伦敦皇家国际事务研究所查塔姆学院(Chatham House)创立,内容来源广泛,力图囊括业内专家、学术新秀对重点、热点问题的最新思考。期刊影响因子为3.748,在91种国际关系类刊物中位列第5名。


编译:邢 戎 晋 玉 胡 贺 缪高意 周心培 李雯珲

审校:胡 贺 李雯珲 朱文菡 丁伟航


Well, what is the feminist perspective on international affairs?  theory/ practice
The everyday practices of global finance: gender and regulatory politics of ‘diversity’
Courageously critiquing sexual violence: responding to the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize
Marking failure, making space: feminist interventions in Security Council policy
Secrecy, spies and the global South: intelligence studies beyond the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance
Brexit and the UN Security Council: declining British influence?
Brexit identities and British public opinion on China
China’s ivory bans: enhancing soft power through wildlife conservation
The social construction of the space race: then and now
Economic containment as a strategy of Great Power competition



【题目】Well, what is the feminist perspective on international affairs?: theory/ practice

【作者】Helen M. Kinsella(美国明尼苏达大学);Laura J. Shepherd(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)

【摘要】这篇简介详细阐述了玛丽西娅·扎勒斯基(Marysia Zalewski)在过去三十年中所做的大量工作,这些工作不仅论证了女性主义模式为世界政治提供了有益之言、有用之策,而且为研究政治和国际关系的学者提供了一个强有力的框架。正如研讨会所述,她的作品深深植根于女性主义的理论和实践之中,其影响远远超出了学科的范畴,并触及了经验主义和国际政治,对金融、恐怖主义和暴力都产生了显而易见的影响。
This brief introduction elaborates on Marysia Zalewski’s significant body of work over the past three decades, which provides not only ample evidence of the benefits of feminist modes of encountering world politics, but also a robust framework for enquiry for scholars of politics and international relations. Her work, while deeply rooted in feminist theories and practice, has implications which go far beyond disciplinary determinations and touch upon, as the symposium demonstrates, the empirics, and the impact of international politics writ large, from finance to terrorism to violence.





【题目】The everyday practices of global finance: gender and regulatory politics of ‘diversity’

【作者】Penny Griffin(萨勒姆学院)

【摘要】本文认为,全球金融实践提供了丰富的机会,来考察日常生活中的性别体现,但在金融生活中,性别体现受到高度监管。全球金融危机爆发后,全球金融的“多元议程”兴起,本文探求了这种“多元”是如何塑造国际金融服务业的,是否挑战了全球金融性别权力的再生产。近来,女性主义政治经济学的创新对全球政治经济学的研究者们提出挑战,以探究(全球金融的)日常实践是如何体现性别和监管权力的。本文应对这一挑战,分析了金融服务中“多元”的兴起所揭示的性别权力和日常经济实践的重要交汇点。本文运用玛丽西娅·扎勒斯基(Marysia Zalewski)的理论框架进行拓展研究,探究性别是如何以不被承认的方式影响着全球金融,而这又是持续和不确定的。本文提出,全球金融中“多元议程”的实践及其未来提供了一个窗口,以透视全球金融的持续失败,来重新配置起基础作用的男性主义,并使金融行为者开始重视国际金融赖以形成的、为之基础的性别神话。
This article argues that practices of global finance provide a rich opportunity to consider gender’s embodiment in everyday, but highly regulatory, financial life. Tracing a pathway through the rise of the ‘diversity agenda’ in global finance in the wake of the global financial crisis, the article asks how ‘diversity’ has shaped the global financial services industry, and whether it has challenged the reproduction of gendered power in global finance. Recent, innovative feminist political economy work has laid out a clear challenge to researchers of the global political economy to explore how everyday practices have become significant sites of gendered, regulatory power, and this article takes up this challenge, analysing how the rise of ‘diversity’ in financial services reveals the crucial intersections of gendered power and everyday economic practices. Using a conceptual framework drawn explicitly from Marysia Zalewski’s work, this article advances critical inquiry into how gender has become an often unacknowledged way of writing the world of global finance, in ongoing, and problematic, ways. It proposes that the practices and futures of the diversity agenda in global finance provide a window into the persistent failure of global finance to reconfigure its foundational masculinism, and asks that financial actors begin to take seriously the foundational, gendered myths on which global finance has been built.





【题目】Courageously critiquing sexual violence: responding to the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

【作者】Maria Stern(瑞典哥德堡大学)

【摘要】女权主义学者玛丽西娅·扎勒斯基(Marysia Zalewski)的作品告诉我们要警惕墨守成规,要制定连贯的行动计划,要慎言已经充分了解并掌握关于危险、暴力、以及其主体和救济的有关知识,要避免大张旗鼓的宣扬女性主义的到来,要谨慎对待看似已经取得胜利的研究成果。扎勒斯基的著作一直用不同的方式提醒着人们:“我们/她甚至连性别是什么、它的作用是什么都不知道”。这看似简单的话语并不是对性别主流化政策中研究空白的轻率回应,而是在我们所读、所写的有关国际关系理论、女性主义、性别暴力的文本中的醒目批注。然而,在我们急于理解和确认性别伤害的有效性和重要性寻求补救的过程中,常常遗忘这一深刻的教训。本文通过回顾扎勒斯基的作品,审慎、批判地回应2018年诺贝尔和平奖。本文无意深入探讨诺贝尔和平奖中所蕴含的政治亦或奖项本身的影响,而是把2018年诺贝尔和平奖作为一个开始对性暴力进行反思与批判的标志时刻。
Marysia Zalewski’s work has taught us, as a collective of feminist scholars, to be cautious of neat instruction manuals and coherently set out plans of action; of claims to sure knowledge about danger, violence, and its subjects and remedies; of the fanfare of grand arrivals; and of the quieter staking of ground that has been seemingly won. Zalewski has persistently reminded us in different ways that we/ she does ‘not even know what gender is or does’. Far from a flippant response to the emptiness of gender mainstreaming policies, this seemingly simple statement instead serves as a glaring post-it note on the margins of our texts about International Relations theory, feminism, sex/gender and violence— both those that we read, as well as those that we write. However, this lesson is often forgotten in our rush to understand and establish gendered harms as valid and important, and to seek their redress. Gleaning insights from Zalewski’s work, this article critically considers possible responses to the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. Its aim is not to delve into a discussion of the politics or effects of the Peace Prize as such, but to instead use the 2018 Peace Prize as a marker—a moment to consider the possibility for critique in relation to sexual violence.





【题目】Marking failure, making space: feminist interventions in Security Council policy

【作者】Sam Cook


Marysia Zalewski




Feminist interventions in international politics are, more often than not, understood (and visible) as interventions in relation to policy documents. These policies—in this case the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions on Women, Peace and Security—often feature as the end point of feminist advocacy efforts or as the starting point for feminist analysis and critique. In this article the author responds to the provocations throughout Marysia Zalewski’s work to think (and tell) the spaces of international politics differently, in this case by working with the concept of feminist failure as it is produced in feminist policy critique. Inspired by Zalewski’s Feminist International Relations: exquisite corpse, the article explores the material and imaginary spaces in which both policies and critique are produced. It picks up and reflects upon a narrative refrain recognizable in feminist critiques on Women, Peace and Security policy—that we must not make war safe for women—as a way to reflect on the inevitability of failure and the ostensible boundaries between theory and practice. The author takes permission from Zalewski’s creative interventions and her recognition of the value of the ‘detritus of the everyday’—here a walk from New York’s Grand Central Station to the UN Headquarters, musings on the flash of a particular shade of blue, and the contents of a footnoted acknowledgement, begin to trace an international political space that is produced through embodied and quotidian practice.





【题目】Secrecy, spies and the global South: intelligence studies beyond the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance

【作者】Zakia Shiraz(莱斯特大学),Richard J. Aldrich(华威大学)

【摘要】秘密和间谍研究长期以来被英美国家主导。最近几年开始有一些学者将研究视角转向全球其他地区,包括发展中国家。这在一定程度上是因为人们对“阿拉伯之春”和“管理式民主”或“可控民主”(managed democracy)产生了浓厚的兴趣,并将更多的秘密机构置于聚光灯下。然而,研究方法仍然被来自“五眼”联盟英语国家及其欧洲先驱者的概念和方法所主导。本文呼吁重新审视情报研究的研究策略和那些理论化的监视,这两个领域都有很多值得从区域研究和发展研究中学习的地方,特别是在研究实践和伦理领域。如果越来越多专门从事情报工作的学者真心希望向前迈进,研究发展中国家,他们就需要重新思考自己的工具,并向其他学科学习。我们认为有一个丰富的传统可以借鉴。
The study of secrecy and spies remain subjects dominated by Anglo-American experiences. In recent years there has been some effort to refocus the lens of research upon ‘intelligence elsewhere’, including the global South. This is partly because of intense interest in the Arab Spring and ‘managed democracy’ placing a wider range of secret services under the spotlight. However, the approach to research is still dominated by concepts and methods derived from studying the English-speaking states of the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance and their European outriders. This article calls for a re-examination of research strategies for Intelligence Studies and for those theorizing surveillance, suggesting that both fields have much to learn from area studies and development studies, especially in the realm of research practice and ethics. If the growing number of academics specializing in intelligence genuinely wish to move forward and examine the global South, they will need to rethink their tool-kit and learn from other disciplines. We suggest there is a rich tradition to draw upon.





【题目】Brexit and the UN Security Council: declining British influence?

【作者】Jess Gifkins(曼切斯特大学);Samuel Jarvis(兰卡斯特大学);Jason Ralph(利兹大学)


The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union has ramifications beyond the UK and the EU. This article analyses the impact of the Brexit referendum on the UK’s political capital in the United Nations Security Council; a dimension of Brexit that has received little attention thus far. Drawing on extensive elite interviews we show that the UK has considerable political capital in the Council, where it is seen as one of the most effective actors, but the reputational costs of Brexit are tarnishing this image. With case-studies on the UK’s role in Somalia and Yemen we show how the UK has been able to further its interests with dual roles in the EU and Security Council, and the risks posed by tensions between trade and human rights after Brexit. We also analyse what it takes to be influential within the Security Council and argue that more attention should be paid to the practices of diplomacy. Influence is gained via penholding, strong diplomatic skill and a well-regarded UN permanent representative. The UK accrues political capital as a leader on the humanitarian and human rights side of the Council’s agenda, but this reputation is at risk as it exits the EU.





【题目】Brexit identities and British public opinion on China

【作者】Wilfred M. Chow(香港大学);Enze Han(香港大学);Xiaojun Li(不列颠哥伦比亚大学)


Many studies have explored the importance of public opinion in British foreign policy decision-making, especially when it comes to the UK’s relations with the United States and the European Union. Despite its importance, there is a dearth of research on public opinion about British foreign policy towards other major players in the international system, such as emerging powers like China. We have addressed this knowledge gap by conducting a public opinion survey in the UK after the Brexit referendum. Our research findings indicate that the British public at large finds China’s rise disconcerting, but is also pragmatic in its understanding of how the ensuing bilateral relations should be managed. More importantly, our results show that views on China are clearly split between the two opposing Brexit identities. Those who subscribe strongly to the Leave identity, measured by their aversion to the EU and antipathy towards immigration, are also more likely to hold negative perceptions of Chinese global leadership and be more suspicious of China as a military threat. In contrast, those who espouse a Remain identity—that is, believe that Britain would be better served within the EU and with more immigrants—are more likely to prefer closer engagement with China and to have a more positive outlook overall on China’s place within the global community.





【题目】China’s ivory bans: enhancing soft power through wildlife conservation

【作者】Jonas Gamso,亚利桑那州立大学雷鸟全球管理学院助理教授。


China has been a major market for elephant ivory for centuries. However, the Chinese government recently enacted bans on imports and exports of ivory (2015) and on the domestic ivory trade (2017). These bans appear to have come in response to intensive influence campaigns and public shaming from domestic and foreign activists, who cited declining elephant populations and highlighted China’s role. However, this shaming-narrative is at odds with conventional wisdom regarding Chinese policy-making: China typically resists international pressures and its authoritarian government is thought to be largely insulated from domestic efforts by civil society groups. This article reconciles Beijing’s ivory policy with these conventional beliefs about policy-making in China. I argue that the Chinese government saw unique benefits to banning the ivory trade, under growing international scrutiny, as doing so enhanced Chinese soft power while having very little impact on its sovereignty or development. Non-government organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and outside of China played a role as well: NGOs in China helped to shift Chinese public opinion towards favoring the bans, while those operating abroad led public relations efforts to publicize Chinese demand for ivory to foreign audiences. Efforts by the latter group of NGOs intensified pressure on the Chinese government to rein in the ivory market, while increasing the soft power benefits that banning ivory would bring to Beijing.





【题目】The social construction of the space race: then and now

【作者】Mai’a K. Davis Cross(美国东北大学)

The proposed creation of a US Space Force has led to a ratcheting up of a sense of competition and threat among spacefaring powers. Many top government officials and experts around the world believe that space will inevitably become the next battlefield, either among countries, or private companies, or both. India successfully blew up a satellite, China landed a probe on the dark side of the moon and many other countries have rapidly developed launch capabilities. The term ‘Space Race 2.0’ is increasingly invoked. But are we in the midst of a new space race, or on the verge of a new space age? This article argues that despite many governmental efforts to militarize space over the past 70 years, on the whole, non-state actors have ensured that space has been a highly cooperative realm of human interaction, even during the height of the Cold War. While on the surface there has been a narrative of threat-based competition, the author argues that this has largely been socially constructed. Drawing upon fresh archival research and participant observation, the author provides the historical context for understanding the increasingly diverse field of space actors today.





【题目】Economic containment as a strategy of Great Power competition

【作者】Dong Jung Kim(耶鲁-新加坡国立大学学院)


Economic containment has garnered repeated attention in the discourse about the United States’ response to China. Yet, the attributes of economic containment as a distinct strategy of Great Power competition remain unclear. Moreover, the conditions under which a leading power can employ economic containment against a challenging power remain theoretically unelaborated. This article first suggests that economic containment refers to the use of economic policies to weaken the targeted state’s material capacity to start military aggression, rather than to influence the competitor’s behaviour over a specific issue. Then, this article suggests that economic containment becomes a viable option when the leading power has the ability to inflict more losses on the challenging power through economic restrictions, and this ability is largely determined by the availability of alternative economic partners. When the leading power cannot effectively inflict more losses on the challenging power due to the presence of alternative economic partners, it is better off avoiding economic containment. The author substantiates these arguments through case-studies of the United States’ responses to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The article concludes by examining the nature of the United States’ recent economic restrictions against China.



