华西口腔医院:乳酸菌胞外多糖的抗癌作用(综述) | 热心肠日报
The anti-cancer effects and mechanisms of lactic acid bacteria exopolysaccharides in vitro: A review
11-24, Review
Abstract & Authors:展开
Probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a particular group of gram-positive bacteria that are usually involved in natural ferments and widely used in food manufacture industry. Most of them can produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), surface carbohydrate polymers with diverse biological functions. LAB EPS are potentially complementary and alternative medicines against cancer. EPS show anti-proliferative effects on a variety of tumor cells from intestine, liver, breast, etc. They modulate the development of tumors through various mechanisms including promoting apoptosis, inducing cell cycle arrest as well as anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidative, anti-angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory effects. Bacterial origin, existence form, chemical structure, purity et al. are important factors affecting the anticancer effects of EPS. The future challenge lies in elucidating the precise structure-function relationship of LAB EPS. Besides, more in vivo studies and further clinical trials are indispensable to confirm the anticancer effects.
First Authors:
Jiayi Wu,Yuheng Zhang
Correspondence Authors:
Chenglin Wang
All Authors:
Jiayi Wu,Yuheng Zhang,Ling Ye,Chenglin Wang