
Module  1单词


1、pair [pεə] n.(相关的)两个人, 一对。

2、correct [kə'rekt] vt. 改正;纠正。adj. 正确的;对的;

3、spelling ['speliŋ] n. 拼写;拼字

4、word [wə:d] n. 单词;字;词

5、practise ['præktis] vi. 练习,

6、match [mætʃ] vt. 找到与…..相配之物,使成对;使相配

7、meaning ['mi:niŋ] n. 意义;意思

8、complete [kəm'pli:t] v.把….填完整;使完全。

9、sentence ['sentəns] n. 句子

10、dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n. 字典;词典

11、grammar ['ɡræmə] n. 语法

12、letter ['letə] n. 信;字母

13、look up 查,查找

14、mistake [mi'steik] n. 错误;过错

15、make a mistake 犯错误

16、understand [,ʌndə'stænd] v.(understood [,ʌndə'stud])理解;明白

17、advice [əd'vais] n. 建议;意见

18、should [ʃud] v. aux. 应该

19、possible ['pɔsəbl] adj. 可能的

20、write down 写下;记下

21、notebook ['nəutbuk] n. 笔记本

22、forget [fə'get] v. (forgot [fə'ɡɔt])忘,忘记

23、pronounce [prəu'nauns] v. 发……..的音

24、aloud [ə'laud] adv. 大声地;出声地

25、radio ['reidiəu] n.电台,广播

26、pronunciation [prəu,nʌnsi'eiʃən] n. 发音

27、key [ki:] adj. 关键行动,非常重要的

28、main [mein] adj. 主要的,最大的

29、excellent ['eksələnt] adj. 极好的;极好的

30、agree [ə'ɡri:] vt. 同意;赞同

31、agree with sb. 同意某人

32、vocabulary [vəu'kæbjuləri] n. 词汇;词汇量

33、ask for 请求(给予)

34、improve [im'pru:v] vt. 改善,改进

35、basic ['beisik] adj. 主要的;基础的

36、time [taim] n. 回;次

37、advise [əd'vaiz] vt.向…..提出意见; 建议;忠告

38、shy [ʃai] adj. 害羞的;腼腆的

39、conversation [,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n. 交谈;谈话

40、quickly ['kwikli] adv. 迅速地;快地

41、natural ['nætʃərəl] adj. 合理的;合乎常情的

42、suggest [sə'dʒest] vt. 提议,建议

43、place [pleis] vt. 放置


Module 1 Unit 1 课文


Unit1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.

1. Welcome back!      欢迎回来

Welcome back to school!     欢迎回校

Welcome to China/our school/my home town!   欢迎来中国/我们学习/我家乡

Welcome home!  欢迎回家

You’re welcome.    不客气

give sb. a cold/warm welcome    给某人一个冷淡/热烈的欢迎

注意welcome的词性 v.   adj    n.

2. talk with/to sb. about sth.  和某人谈论某事

= have a talk/conversation with sb.

3. ask for some advice      征求一些建议

a piece of advice   一条建议

注意advice是不可数名词,不能说these advice

give sb. advice给某人建议

take/follow one’s advice听从某人的建议

4. speak English in class     在课堂上说英语

speak English as much as possible  尽可能多地说英语

read books as many as you can    尽可能多看书

as…as possible = as…as one can/could

5. write down our mistakes in our notebooks  把我们的错误写在我们的笔记本上

write it/them down (代词宾格只能放中间)

类似结构有pick up, take off, put on, turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up

6. forget/ remember to do sth.记得、忘记要做某事(还没做)

forget/remember doing sth. 记得、忘记做过某事(已经做了)

eg: Don’t forget to bring your photos here when you come.

I remember seeing him somewhere in Jiaxing. 我记得在嘉兴的某个地方见过他。

forget- forgot-forgotten

forgetful   adj. 健忘的

eg:Mrs Grey is old and she is forgetful.

7. the correct answers  adj.  正确的答案

correct= right 正确的    incorrect

correct the spelling (mistake) v.纠正拼写错误

Can you spell the word?  你能拼这个单词吗?

8.What/Where/Who else?其他什么/其他什么地方/其他人

something /anything/somebody else ( else放在疑问词和不定代词后面)

9. have an idea   有一个主意    I have no idea. 我不知道

10.Listening to the radio is good for our pronunciation.

(注意动名词做主语)        听广播对我们的发音有好处。

listen to music/me / the teacher  听音乐/我/老师

listen for key words and main ideas 听关键词和大意

key adj.  =important   重要的

the key to the front door 前门的钥匙

the key to the exercise练习的答案

11. so many new words  太多的新单词

have a word with sb. 和某人说句话

have words with sb. 和某人争吵

12. need既可作实义动词,也可作情态动词

sb. need sth.某人需要某物

sb.need to do sth.  某人需要做某事

sth. need doing    某物需要被做

eg.She needed some help last night. 昨晚她需要一些帮助。

The flowers need watering. 花需要(被)浇水。

I need to water the flowers.(改否定句)

I don’t need to water the flowers.

=I needn’t water the flowers.

13.get to know… through reading    通过阅读了解......

14.agree with sb./one’s words 同意某人/某人的话

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

disagree 不同意


like-dislike 喜欢/不喜欢 appear-disappear出现/消失 cover-discover盖上/揭开


We/You/They should/shouldn’t do…

Let’s do…

Why not do...?=Why don’t you/we do ...?

How/What about doing ...?

Don’t forget to do…= Remember to do…

It’s a good idea to do…

Doing… is a good way to do…

It’s adj. for/of sb. to do...

You don’t need to do…

You just need to do…

You’d better (not) do…

It’s better to do…

16.everyday English      日常英语

every day 注意书写是否要空格   ereryday 每天的     every day  每天

17.work in pairs

18.practise doing sth.

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

need more practice需要更多的练习

19.match A with B    把A和B匹配起来

watch matches 观看比赛

the little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩

a perfect match一个完美的婚姻

20.complete the sentences with the words in the box用方框内的单词完成句子

21.look up new words in a dictionary   在字典里查新单词

look up to the sky/me抬头望天空,看我

22.make a mistake / make mistakes  犯错误

correct mistakes 纠正错误   a spelling/grammar mistake一个拼写、语法错误

23.understand the grammar  理解语法

v.  understood   understanding   n.

24.check the spelling of …  核对...的拼写

25.an excellent student  一个优秀的学生

26.letter 信;字母

Eg. write a letter to sb.给某人写信 =write to sb

receive a letter from…收到某人的来信 =hear from sb

How many letters are there in English?  英语里有几个字母?

Module 1 Unit 2课文

Unit2 You should smile at her.

1. have problems in doing sth.  做某事有困难

solve a problem解决一个问题   ask/answer a question 问问题,回答问题

2. learn vocabulary   学习词汇

a large/small vocabulary   大量/少量词汇

enlarge one’s vocabulary扩大词汇量

3. find out查清楚,弄明白

find找的结果     look for找的动作和过程

eg. Can you find out who broke the window?你能查出是谁打碎了玻璃吗?

My wallet is missing. I tried to look for it everywhere, but I couldn’t find it.

4. ask for advice about/on how to improve English /improving English

ask sb. for sth.    向某人要某物

ask for help / advice     向某人求救/向某人征求意见

ask/request (要求)sb. (not) to do sth.   叫某人(不)做某事

5. basic questions/language  基本问题/语言

6. a great way to learn English.     学英语的好方法

a good way to do sth= a good way of doing sth. 做某事的好方法

7. guess the meanings of the new words  猜猜新单词的意思

8. advise sb. (not) to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事

9. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

=be afraid of doing sth.

10. start a conversation with greetings以问候开始谈话

11. Don’t be shy/late.  不要害羞/迟到

Don’t worry. =Don\\\\ t be worried 不要担心

12.forget them quickly 很快忘记他们

13. It’s natural (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事是合乎常理的

14.I suggest (that) you (should) write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place/put them in your room.

suggest doing sth. 建议做某事

many suggestions  很多建议

15.My speaking is poor.我的口语很差

= I’m not good at speaking.

16. more often 更频繁

17.an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家

18.all the time一直

19.invite sb.to sp. 邀请某人去某地

invite sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事


Thanks for inviting me to the cinema.

=Thanks for your invitation to the cinema.

20.read aloud/loudly大声地朗读


loudly-more loudly-(the) most loudly

21.read for more information 阅读更多信息   (information 不可数)

22.Try to use them as much as possible.尽可能多使用它们。

23.in addition to…除了=apart from

In addition to English, we also learn math, Chinese, science and so on.

24.various kinds of = all kinds of各种各样

daily life 日常生活 adj.        China Daily 《中国日报》  n.

25.chat with sb. freely和某人自由地闲聊

26.  several times 几次

Each time I went to Shanghai, I had a new kind feeling of excitement.每次我到上海,都有一种新的兴奋感。

(each time 这里引导的是时间状语从句,相当于一个连词的功能)


1.  We should always speak English in class. 在课堂上我们应该是一直讲英语。

2. Let‘s try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语。

3. Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 为什么不在笔记本上记下我们的错误呢?

4. How about listening to the radio? 听广播怎么样?



(1) Why not + 动词原形...? 为什么不……呢?

Why not start early? 为什么不早点动身呢?

Why not ask him for help? 为什么不向他寻求帮助呢?

Why not try again? 为什么不再试一次?

(2) Why don’t we / you+动词原形...? 我们 / 你(们)为什么不……呢?

Why don‘t we watch the match on TV? 我们为什么不在电视上看比赛?

Why don’t you play football? 你为什么不踢球?

Why don‘t you go with me? 你为什么不和我一起去?

(3) How / What about + v.-ing形式...?  ……怎么样?

How about joining a swimming club? 加入一个游泳俱乐部怎么样?

What about reading loudly for half an hour every day? 每天大声朗读30分钟怎么样?

(4) It’s a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好主意。

It’s a good idea to start an English club in our school. 在我们学校创办一个英语俱乐部是个好主意。

It‘s a good idea to use your pocket money on these things. 把你零花钱花在这些事上是个好主意。

(5) It‘s better (not) to do sth.  最好(不要)做某事。

It’s better not to read in the sun. 最好不要在太阳下读书。

It‘s better not to outstay one‘s welcome, especially on a first visit.


It’s better not to tell him. 最好不要告诉他。

(6) Try (not) to do sth. 尽量(不要)做某事。

Try not to translate every word when you are reading. 当你在阅读的时候,尽量不要翻译每一个单词。

Try not to get too dirty!别把身上弄得太脏!

Try not to do it yourself without any professional help.


(7) Let‘s + 动词原形... 让我们……吧。

Let’s go out to take a walk. 让我们出去散步吧。

Let‘s go and see the pandas. 让我们去看熊猫吧。

Let us go, will you? 让我们去吧,好吗?

(8) You should / shouldn’t + 动词原形... 你(们)应该 / 不应该……

You should look up the word in your dictionary. 你应该在词典中查这个单词。

You should take the right way. 你应该走右边。

(9) Shall we + 动词原形...? 我们……好吗?

Shall we go to the zoo? 我们去动物园好吗?

Shall we begin our lesson? 我们开始上课,好吗?

Shall we send you the book? 我们把书给你寄去,好不好?

(10) We / You had better (not) + 动词原形... 我们 / 你(们)最好(不要)……

You‘d better ask Mr Zhang for advice. 你最好向张先生咨询一下建议。

You had better stay at home. 你最好待在家。

You’d better go now. 你最好现在去。

IX. 写作(15分)


watch English films, listen to real English songs, read English newspapers and listen to English radio, be

shy, start a conversation, remember eight or ten words a day, place th

e words on the wall, say the English names for everything you see

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It is difficult for us to learn foreign language. So we should learn English hard.

The first way is about reading. You can read a newspaper in English. But try not to translate every word. The second way is about listening. How about listening to the radio in English? It is a good idea to learn English. The third way is about writing. You should write down your mistakes in your notebooks. Why don't you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes? Finally. When you are shopping, how about counting the English names for everything you see? And if you can not speak to foreign people, before you begin, you can take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.

