
【题】Do you agree or disagreepeople should follow ambitious goals rather than realistic goals.





Life is an experience of following goals. Some people work hard to pursue ambitious goals while others devote to realistic ones. Then, which type of goal makes more sense for modern people? This question seems to arouse a heated debate in society recently. As far as I am concerned, we should set our goals as high as possible in order to achieve the best result. I am going to elaborate this viewpoint in the following paragraphs. (76 words)


1)devote to:致力于

2)make sense:有意义

3)a heated debate:热议的话题


For individuals, the higher the goal is, the better the result will be. It is because there is always a gap between a reality and a dream. Higher goals can galvanize people to push to the limit and achieve more. Instead, aiming at realistic goals, people are more likely to produce results less than they expect. For example, when I was in high school, my father usually encouraged me to set the target score for a test obviously beyond my ability, so that I would force myself to work harder every time to get closer to the mission impossible. Thanks to my father, my test score was always far ahead of others. (112 words)


1)push to the limit:突破极限

2)be more likely to:更有可能(做某事)

3)beyond one's ability:超越某人能力

4)get closer to:不断逼近...

5)mission impossible:不可能的任务

6)be far ahead of others:名列前茅


For all mankind, ambitious goals allow human beings to boldly go where no one has gone before. Without audacious dreams, the world would not have been what it is today. It is those “unrealistic” dreams that drive human beings to break new ground and make new breakthroughs all the time. Jack Ma, probably the most famous Chinese person, once proposed that he wanted to build an e-commerce platform for all merchants to do business, but at that time he was just considered nothing but a guy talking idiotic nonsense. If Jack Ma had not set such a goal, there would not have been Alibaba, a great company changing the lives of millions. (112 words)


1)audacious dreams:无畏的梦想

2)break new ground:打破常规

3)make breakthroughs:取得突破

4)nothing but:只不过,仅仅是

5)talk idiotic nonsense:痴人说梦


Admittedly, I am not denying the importance of realistic goals. Compared to ambitious ones, realistic goals are more attainable so that people are willing to make them happen. However, realistic goals may well make people short-sighted, reducing their possibility to think out of the box and get what is out of their reach. In this sense, people with ambitious goals are inclined to have more successful life. (67)


1)be willing to:愿意(做某事)


3)think out of the box:跳出常规思维的束缚


In summary, it is more meaningful for people to follow ambitious goals rather than realistic ones. I am a big fan of a movie, Turbo, in which a line has left me a deep impression: no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small. Thus, let’s never be stingy about our dreams. Make them big and make them happen. (61 words)


1)a big fan of:喜爱...

2)...leave one a deep impression:给某人留下深刻印象

3)be stingy about:吝啬...








