第一部分 解题思路:

根据上面的规范,民用建筑的耐火等级可分为一、二、三、四级。除本规范另有规定外,不同耐火等级建筑相应构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限不应低于表5 . 1. 2 的规定。
第二部分 冷弯薄壁型钢体系的耐火等级
问题一 冷弯薄壁型钢体系可以做什么耐火等级的建筑?
根据《建筑设计防火规范》第2.0.1条 民用建筑的耐火等级可分为一、二、三、四级。除本规范另有规定外,不同耐火等级建筑相应构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限不应低于表5 . 1. 2 的规定。

问题二 以墙体为例,耐火极限2H/3H的墙体构造长什么样?




第三部分 耐火极限的项目应用
1 澳大利亚标准的相关规定



2 FRL的概念
A Fire Resistance Level (FRL) or fire rating is the term used to describe the fire resistance of a building element. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) defines an FRL as ‘The grading periods in minutes determined in accordance with Specification A2.3, for the following criteria:
(a) structural adequacy - the ability to maintain stability and adequate loadbearing capacity as determined by AS 1530.4 (methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures)
(b) Integrity - the ability to resist the passage of flames and hot gases specified in AS 1530.4.
(c) Insulation - the ability to maintain a temperature on the surface not exposed to the furnace below the limits specified in AS 1530.4 and expressed in that order.
Note: A dash means that there is no requirement for that criterion. For example, 90/–/– means there is no requirement for an FRL for integrity and insulation, and –/–/– means there is no requirement for an FRL.
BCA Specification A2.3 provides a variety of methods for determining the FRL such as:
· A standard fire test in accordance with AS 1530.4
· Australian Standards for steel, timber, concrete or masonry structures
· Table 1 within BCA Specification A2.3
· A Registered Testing Authority report which is based on a fire test
· Calculation based on a fire test
What is the difference between loadbearing and non-load bearing, and how does this relate to fire resistance?
If a building element is load bearing then it must have a structural adequacy component to the FRL. The definition of ‘loadbearing’ according to the BCA is ‘Intended to resist vertical forces additional to those due to its own weight’. Therefore walls such as those holding up a floor or roof above are loadbearing and those that don’t are non-load bearing. For example, plasterboard and steel stud infill walls that span between concrete slabs do not hold up the slab and are therefore non-loadbearing.
The BCA deemed to satisfy provisions specify FRLs based on whether the building element is load bearing or not (refer to BCA specification C1.1). For example, walls separating sole occupancy units in a Class 2 building of Type A construction (residential high rise) usually need an FRL of –/60/60 if they are non-load bearing and 90/90/90 if they are load bearing.
When can I ignore the structural adequacy of the FRL (the first number)?
If an FRL with structural adequacy specified (e.g. 90/90/90) and there is no additional vertical load, a building element without structural adequacy may be used (e.g. –/90/90). Refer to BCA Vol. One Specification A2.3 (6) ‘If a non-loadbearing element is able to be used for a purpose where the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions prescribe an FRL for structural adequacy, integrity and insulation, that nonloadbearing element need not comply with the structural adequacy criteria.’ For example, an external wall less than 1.5m from a fire source feature in a Class 2, Type A Construction requires an FRL of 90/90/90 but if this wall is between concrete slabs, only the concrete columns would need that FRL, the infill walls between the slabs may have a FRL of –/90/90.
What type of FRL is specified for load bearing columns?
There are some cases where an FRL with only a structural adequacy is required, such as concrete columns holding up the slab. In the example above, columns require an FRL of 90/–/–, it doesn’t matter if they are exposed to heat (insulation) or flame (integrity), they must be able to carry a load after 90 minutes (structural adequacy).
3 FRL在图纸中出现