英语语法:many, few, a nubmer of等的用法

前面我们学习了英语语法:be fond of的用法in a hurry的用法set up和set off的用法happen的用法work out的用法call back的用法表示动作或状态的不可数名词用法a pair of, a couple of等的用法

2. 可数名词和不可数名词的不定量表示

many, few, a nubmer of等可以修饰可数名词。例如:

Many supermarkets have been opened in our city.


结构分析:Many supermarkets是主语,have been opened是谓语,in our city是地点状语。

A large number of schools are now euqipped with computers.


Few students were brave enough to dive into the sea.


20201222作业:1. 进行句子结构、时态分析。

Few students were brave enough to dive into the sea.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday hailed the country’s “courageous” spies as he visited the headquarters of the Foreign Intelligence Service to mark its 100th birthday.【The Guardian


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