


近日,武大学术期刊发布消息,Cell Insight创刊,该刊是 一本开放获取双月刊,以打造“世界一流期刊”为目标,以“推动中国科技期刊高质量发展”为理念,重点报道生物医学领域的最新科学与技术成果


Cell Insight由中科院院士、武汉大学舒红兵教授担任主编,病毒学国家重点实验室主任、武汉大学蓝柯教授担任执行主编,由全球著名学术机构的40余位著名学者担任编委。

Cell Insight将提供专业且快速的论文审稿流程,论文投稿一周内决定是否送审,对送审稿件在二至四周内返回审稿意见,接收稿件一月内在线发表,同时在微信公众号加以推送。此外,Cell Insight还对某些高水平、存在激烈竞争的稿件提供绿色通道快速发表。

Cell Insight将于2022年1月正式出版第一期,创刊前三年所发表的文章均免除文章出版费。在此,我们诚挚邀请广大科研人员将相关领域高影响力的创新成果投稿至此期刊。



Cell Insight涵盖的领域包括但不限于:

  1. Cell biology

  2. Immunology

  3. Microbiology

  4. Cancer biology

  5. Neuroscience

  6. Genetics

  7. Metabolism

  8. Disease mechanisms

  9. New technology related to biomedical research

  10. Translational research

再次欢迎大家关注投稿Cell Insight,如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至cellinsight@whu.edu.cn咨询。







Cell Insight主编寄语

Dear colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to inform you that we have officially kicked off our new journal, Cell Insight, and I am writing to ask for your help and contribution to make this exciting new adventure successful.

Cell Insight is an open-access international journal published bi-monthly by Elsevier, in partnership with Wuhan University. Cell Insight aims to present not only cutting-edge research of molecular and cellular mechanisms essential to biological processes and diseases, but translational research as well. We have assembled a distinguished team of editorial members who will assure a timely publication process through professional peer review, all the while maintaining a high standard of scientific rigor.

We fully expect the typical challenges of attracting high quality submissions for a new journal. Therefore, we would appreciate if you can contribute (and encourage your colleagues to do so) original manuscripts such as articles, reviews, or short reports to Cell Insight. In certain circumstances, we can also consider manuscripts rejected by other journals based on the reviewers’ comments via a “green route”. As a new journal, we will waive the open access fee for the initial three years. Our first issue will be published in January of 2022.

For more information about the journal, as well as submission details, please visit our website: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/cell-insight.

If you would like to discuss a potential submission, feel free to contact the Editorial Office of Cell Insight: cellinsight@whu.edu.cn.

We look forward to your help with the journal.

Best wishes,

Hong-Bing Shu, Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief, Cell Insight, Elsevier

Director, Medical Research Institute

Chief Investigator, Frontier Science Center for Immunology and Metabolism

Wuhan University

