"船员个人防护用品短缺!" PSC: 严重缺陷, 滞留! ... 这艘船, 冤吗?

近日,就有一艘船舶在东京谅解备忘录Tokyo Mou框架下被滞留,原因是“船上船员新冠防护用品PPE短缺,不足以保护船员”。

【缺陷】PPE for protection from COVID-19not provided onboard.
“MLC/T4/R4.3——StandardA4.3 :1.The laws and regulations and other measures to be adopted inaccordance with Regulation 4.3, paragraph 3, shall include thefollowing subjects:
(a)the adoption and effective implementation and promotion ofoccupational safety and health policies and programmes on ships thatfly the Member’s flag, including risk evaluation as well astraining and instruction of seafarers;
(b)reasonable precautions to prevent occupational accidents, injuriesand diseases on board ship, including measures to reduceand prevent the risk of exposure to harmful levels of ambient factorsand chemicals as well as the risk of injury or disease that may arisefrom the use of equipment and machinery on board ships;
(c) on-boardprogrammes for the prevention of occupational accidents, injuries anddiseases and for continuous improvement in occupational safety andhealth protection, involving seafarers’ representatives andall other persons concerned in their implementation, taking accountof preventive measures, including engineering and design control,substitution of processes and procedures for collective andindividual tasks, and the use of personal protective equipment;
(d)requirements for inspecting, reporting and correcting unsafeconditions and for investigating and reporting on-board occupationalaccidents”


