go beret这个表达是什么意思?



For all of Mr Sisi's nationalist posturing, he has gone beret in hand to the IMF for a 12 billion bailout.

我想知道这个go beret是什么意思啊谢谢您了!



The regime is bust, sustained only by generous injections of cash from Gulf states (and, to a lesser degree, by military aid from America). Even with billions of petrodollars, Egypt’s budget and current-account deficits are gaping, at nearly 12% and 7% of GDP respectively. For all of Mr Sisi’s nationalist posturing, he has gone beret in hand to the IMF for a $12 billion bail-out (see article).



he has gone beret in hand to the IMF for a $12 billion bail-out.  X

这里的go beret并不是一个表达,提问题的人断错句了。应该是:

he has gone / beret in hand / to the IMF for a $12 billion bail-out.

beret in hand这个表达来自于hat/cap in hand,因为Sisi是位将军,这里把hat换成了beret(贝雷帽)。

相对应的,go beret in hand在这里的意思是go hat/cap in hand

hat in hand, “帽子在手中”什么意思呢?搜一下就可以找得到,例如有道上的解释:



Hat in hand从字面上来理解就是手里拿着帽子。可是,作为俗语,它的含义就要比表面现象深刻多了。Hat in hand这个俗语是几百年前遗传下来的。

当时,大多数国家的社会都分成普通老百姓,以及地主、贵族和统治国家的国王等有权势的人。那时候,每当一个农民或一个普通工人见到这些高官显贵的时候,他们一般都要脱下帽子表示敬意,好像这些人都比他们高一等似的。当然,现在的社会组合已经很不相同了。在当前,hat in hand的含义很简单。意思就是:在逼不得已的情况下去求人帮忙,然而又感到难以开口、很难堪。



(with) hat in hand

Fig. with humility. (Fig. on the image of someone standing, respectfully, in front of a powerful person,asking for a favor.)

come/go cap in hand

(British, American & Australian) also come/go hat in hand(American)

to ask someone for money or help in a way which makes you feel ashamed (often + to ) I had to go cap in hand to my parents again to ask for some money.

因此he has gone beret in hand to the IMF for a $12 billion bail-out.这句话的意思就是说Sisi将军无计可施,放下身段卑躬屈膝地向IMF借钱。

值得补充的一点是,这段话后有一个see article, 熟悉经济学人的朋友知道这是说还有一篇文章具体来说这段中提到的事(这是做同主题阅读的好机会!),点开这篇文章后我们会看到:

AFTER Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt’s president, welcomed hundreds of foreign dignitaries to the seaside resort of Sharm el-Sheikh last year, he made them a simple pitch. The upheaval that followed the Arab spring in Egypt was over, said Mr Sisi, who had ousted his Islamist predecessor, and the country was ready for their investment. He promised stability and economic reforms. His guests, in turn, rewarded Egypt with cash, loans and new business. It was “a moment of opportunity”, said Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF.

That opportunity has been squandered. A team from the IMF is now back in Egypt negotiating a new package of loans thought to be worth $12 billion over three years. Mr Sisi desperately needs the cash. His government faces large budget and current-account deficits (almost 12% and 7% of GDP, respectively), as Egypt’s foreign reserves run perilously low. An overvalued currency, double-digit inflation and a jobless rate of 12% complete the dismal picture. Potential investors are staying away.

这段中说Mr Sisi desperately needs the cash.也呼应了我们之前的解读。

读了这篇文章除了学习了go hat/cap in hand (to)这个表达之外,我们可以“借题发挥”,顺便查一查或者复习一下与hat/cap有关的表达,例如我随便在pinterest中搜了一下:

还可以查一下与帽子有关的词,例如milliner, yarmulke, 还可以利用Visual Dictionary学习一些更多的词:





