

前两天我发了条朋友圈,从 Moleskin 的笔记本中学点儿英文:

第一段第二句是这样写的: You love literature, you have a passion for paperbacks, you worship words and savour stories.


有这种质疑很正常,说明语法意识还很强。有些语法和标点符号知识,可能会说这是典型的“run-on sentence”——从语法上来说,两个完整句子不能用逗号连接起来。

如果你是在准备英语考试或者写学术论文,最好严格遵守这则语法规定。不要也要知道:这条规则并不绝对,它也有例外。兰登书屋的编辑 Benjamin Dreyer 在他的语法参考书 Dreyer’s English 中就提到了这一点:

As a rule you should avoid comma splicing, though exceptions can be and frequently are made when the individual sentences are reasonably short and intimately connected: “He came, he saw, he conquered” or “Your strengths are your weaknesses, your weaknesses are your strengths.”


Another exception arises in fiction or fictionlike writing in which such a splice may be effective in linking closely related thoughts or expressing hurried action and even a semicolon—more on the glorious semicolon below—is more pause than is desired.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.


我在此只是想提醒大家:像“You love literature, you have a passion for paperbacks, you worship words and savour stories."这样的句子是常见的、正确的。

再说说 sentence fragments,即“残缺句”“不完整句”:


London. Michaelmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln’s Inn Hall. Implacable November weather.


这是狄更斯的 Bleak House 的开头,虽然都是残缺句,但是并没有问题。如 Dreyer 所说:You may not be Charles Dickens, but a well-wielded sentence fragment can be a delightful thing.


举这两个例子想提醒大家语法并不是非黑即白,有时为了某种表达效果,甚至会打破规则。Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace 中一开始就提醒大家什么是“正确”:

我们要了解规则,要知道“为什么”,也要注意几乎所有的规则都有特例。如 Dreyer's English 尾声所说:There's no rule without an exception (well, mostly)。

昨天在北京老书虫书店参加一个活动,听“中国通”莫大伟(David Moser)和大山(Mark Rowswell)聊学汉语的经历。莫大伟老师举了一个例子:我们在国内学英文说到“为什么”时学的是“why”,不过到了国外可能会发现更常见的是“how come?”



· 《经济学人》是如何写胜利丑闻的?

· 关于语法学习的5点心得

